Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Old English Sheepdog Breed Profile

The Old English Sheepdog is a big dog, with a height of 20-24 inches and weigh over 60 pounds, with some weighing up to 100 pounds. They have a shaggy coat, which is thicker around the hind legs, with a waterproof, almost downy, underside. Their head hair often covers, or shields, their eyes, like a natural pair of sunglasses. They are grey to blue in colour mixed with copious amounts of white, they can also be brown but this is not the norm. They are a strong dog, with great stamina, and their general muscle shows that. Some have docked tails but the ones that don't have a feathered abundant look to them. The main body is quite short, wide, and muscular. They have the look of a dog you could instantly fall in love with.

History. As its name suggests the Old English Sheepdog was originally bred in the 18th century as a sheep herding dog that could also protect the flock from predator attacks, most commonly fox's. The shepherds used to have the tails docked to prevent entanglement, stop any predator from being able to attach, and general cleanliness. Some puppies of the breed are actually born with no, or very short, tails, which also encouraged the docking of the ones that had tails. It was also common for farmers to sheer the dog along with the sheep and use their copious hair for making, blankets, clothing, cushions, and similar items. Fame came to this breed in the 1980s when a company used one in their advertising campaign thereby earning the nickname Dulux dog.

Temperament. The Old English sheepdog has a temperament that is somewhat typical of many sheep dogs. It is sociable, friendly, playful, intelligent, faithful and protective, to name but a few of its character traits. They love being with the family and play well with children. Care should be taken when playing, as they do get fully involved and may get a hint over zealous. Given their size, weight and strength, it is a good idea to supervise play when small children are involved. Should the dog happen to injure a member of the family it would be very unhappy, so it is only fair on both the family and the dog to ensure a safe playtime. One thing to be aware of is, as they were bred originally as herding dogs and their instincts run deep, there is a possibility they will try to round up the children. If nothing else it would be fun to watch.

Health issues. Generally, the Old English Sheepdog do not have any serious genetic problems; they have the common thoroughbred issue of hip displasia. Their minor problems are. Cataracts and Entropion. Entropian is when the eyelid curls into the eye; this can of course cause severe irritation to the eye, and needs to be rectified by a vet.

Grooming. Are you ready for this? Only joking. Apart from needing better, and slightly different, tools, the grooming of the Old English Sheepdog is quite similar to other dogs. They need to be groomed 1-3 times a week, starting with a comb like tool; either a dematting comb or a rake (a dog grooming rake, not a garden rake). Once the dogs' hair is unmated and knots removed then a normal brushing will suffice, as a rule of thumb. Cutting the hair is probably going to mean a trip to the salon, as it is nearly as bad as shearing sheep.

Living conditions. Although the Old English Sheepdog breed has a thick luxurious coat, they can not be kept outdoors in cold climates. They enjoy the normal warm home, and bed, as do we all. Some care should be given though as you do not want to cover them to get too hot, although they should throw off items if too warm.

For more information on different Dog Breeds, Dog Training and Teacup Puppies for sale including Teacup Yorkies, Teacup Chihuahuas and Teacup Morkies please visit our websites below.

Teacup Yorkie

Puppies or Dogs

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puppy Dog - But I Want A Puppy - Now What? Part One Of A Series

Many people think about getting or giving dogs or puppies as gifts. I would highly suggest that before you get or give a dog or puppy as a gift to someone, make sure you or they want one in the first place.

In many cases basic dog ownership responsibilities are not discussed. Additionally, many are surprised by the extent of the responsibilities associated with dog ownership. One needs to understand what to expect as a dog owner before acquiring one. There are restrictions and tasks involved with dog or puppy ownership.

If you are thinking of getting a dog or puppy or of giving one as a gift, make sure you or they at least have some initial education on ownership responsibilities. If you have not owned a dog or puppy before, I can guarantee you will be surprised by the extent of what is required in having a one.

You can be amazed at the problems and frustrations that one can have, that has not been formally introduced to pet ownership responsibilities prior to taking in a pet, especially a puppy. Don't forget if you had a pet as a child, Mom and Dad are not around to take care of your pet's needs and training. You Are! This is why our dog shelters are spilling over with unwanted, untrained dogs!

Do your research first and then you can determine if pet ownership is right for you or the person you would like to give a pet to, at this particular time. Dogs are living creatures, not fashion accessories; owning one entails about as much commitment and responsibility as raising a child.

What type of dog would be good for you or the person you would like to surprise with this little bundle of fur?

  • Should the pup grow up to be big, medium, or small in size?

  • Long hair, medium length, or short haired?

  • Would regular grooming to keep the hair knot free, and clean become a burden to you or them?

  • What if there is a need for regular haircuts is this practical, affordable?

  • Or would a dog that is not in need of much grooming and especially haircuts be a wiser choice?

What about allergies? Have you given this any thought? There is nothing worse then to give or get a puppy that you fall in love with, only to have to give it up a few months down the road because of allergies. Check this out before hand.

Did you know that there are breeds that are better suited for families with allergies? Did you know that most dogs shed, usually twice a year, especially if on a quality pet food, and no it is not most of the commercial dog foods in your local grocery store, pet shops, or feed stores. Some dogs are what we call coat retainers and need more grooming.

How about sex, male verses female. Did you know that there are more recorded bites from females? And let us not forget about neutering and spaying. What about puppy shots and vetting? What about quality food, and other items that one will need to care for and protect this new family member. Will that be a financial strain or a welcomed expense?

There is a lot to consider before getting or giving that lovely ball of fur even more then mentioned here like breeds and their characteristics, snappiness, stability, reliability, trainability, activity level indoors and out, and so on. But without a doubt puppies and dogs can greatly enrich and enhance your life if you know what to expect, and what is expected of you.

Next we will talk about different breeds and their characteristics, activity levels, dominance to name a few.

To discover more about the secrets and communicating with your dog and learning how to be his leader, sign up right now for Tracy Lenderink's FREE Ebook (a $27 dollar value). To find out how to do exactly that go to: http://www.simpledogtrainingsecrets.com Read about the exciting FREE Teleseminar/Webinars with top Dog Experts on subjects like: Nutrition, Obedience, Control, Aggression, Pet Massage, Animal Signing, Holistic Vetting and more.

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 5 Tips For Hair Growth

If you're looking to grow your locks faster, longer or thicker, here are some of the top tips for hair growth that will get your style growing.  It's not that hard - it just requires some consistent techniques and a few products that can stimulate the growth you want or need.

  1. Keep It Clean - Though seemingly obvious, keeping your scalp and hair clean is your first best step.  Oil and dirt can clog follicle pores reducing nutrition delivery to the root and shaft.  Likewise, product residue can damage and restrict blood flow - stripping hydration and vitamins.

  2. Watch The Products You Use - Though many of us are attracted to the low price (especially in this economy) and the squeaky clean feeling many shampoos give us, many store-bought brands use harsh surfactants that can strip your scalp and hair of natural oils and nutrition.  This isn't good.  Look for salon-grade products that are formulated to improve overall scalp and follicle health.  They generally may cost more, but they are often formulated with active ingredients that work.  Some of the best ingredients to look for are Sodium Laureth Sulfate, botanical extracts, Trichogen, and Panthenol.  You get soothing relief for the scalp and improved growth - and the use of these ingredients are more expensive because they work to stimulate growing phases in the follicle strands.

  3. Be Gentle Styling - Heat damage, excessive combing or brushing, and chemical treatments - perms and coloring, can take a great toll on your style.  In fact, over-styling is a primary cause of damage, especially as we begin to age (over the 40 year old mark).  Chemical treatments break-down protein bonds and wreak havoc on amino acids - both vital to healthy and normal growth.  Heat damage from curling irons, flat irons and curlers "steam" away moisture and hydration leaving follicle strands depleted, dry, dull and susceptible to bacteria and fungus.

  4. Supplement Your Diet - Many of us know the importance of vitamins for better health.  Hair vitamins are specially formulated to provide minerals, amino acids and nutrients that may be lacking in our diets, yet are critical to better growing locks.  Vitamin B-12, Niacin, Biotin, Vitamins A and E are all well known for accelerating growth while providing improved shine, body and thickness.  Omega 3's have become increasingly popular for toning and adding elasticity to our skin (as well as improving organ function).  Well the same is true for our hair.  Omega 3's increase elasticity, Keratin production, and add strength - reducing breaking, split-ends, and snapping.

  5. Hair Growth Products - If you have dealt with hair loss, thinning or pre-mature balding, then you have probably tried - and been frustrated with - the claims made to "restore your hair".  While many may indeed be a bit on the "shady" side, there are products that have been shown to work.  Shampoos and conditioners with Trichogen have been shown effective at stopping or retarding many types of loss and thinning.  Similar to Minoxidil, Trichogen is used in several forms of products - follicle stimulators (sprays), shampoo, topical applications, and in some conditioners.  It helps neutralize DHT and works similarly to Zinc PCA to control excessive oil, while cleaning dirt and product residue.

So there you have it...tips for hair growth.  Used in conjunction as part of an overall hair care regimen, they can help get your style growing faster, longer and healthier.

Shop online at HairEnergizer for effective, proven hair growth products.

HairEnergizer is a leading manufacturer and distributor of shampoos and conditioners for hair loss, and and natural products to rejuvenate, stimulate and restore follicle development - including advanced, broad-spectrum hair vitamins.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Homemade Dog Toys - 7 Toys You Make Yourself For Under $5 - Your Dog Will Love Them


This toy will take you about 5 minutes to make. Take the paper towel roll when it's empty (or the toilet paper roll for small dogs) and fill it up with a couple of small doggie treats. Seal both ends with some masking tape. Shake it in front of your dog and watch him go crazy when you give it to him. They will be able to smell the treats with their keen sense of smell. You may want to make two or three of them at a time if you have a destructive dog. They will have so much fun with it. You can use your imagination with whatever you want to put in the toy. Your dog will love it! Cost: Free

Frisbee Rope

I'm sure you have noticed how the hard plastic in a Frisbee is very hard on your dog's mouth so you should make a Frisbee out of a softer material but yet still strong. The pet stores will charge you over $10 for a good cotton rope, but you can get one for less than $2. Make a trip to the hardware store and buy a foot (more or less) of thick braided cotton rope. When you get it home, sew the two ends together with some heavy stitches. You can do this by hand...yes, you can. You now have a Frisbee Rope and your dog will love it. Cost: Around $2

Tug of War

Another way you can use the rope you bought from the hardware store is to tie both ends of the rope and play "Tug of War." What dog doesn't love to do that? Again, the pet store charges too much money for something so simple. Your dog certainly doesn't care where it came from. This rope is very good for strengthening their jaw muscles not to mention how much fun they will have playing with you. Cost: Around $2

Mr. Sock

There are a few variations of using this toy, but these two are the most popular:

Take a new sweat sock and put a tennis ball into it. You can draw a funny face on it if you want and then put a knot in the sock to hold the ball in place. You can only imagine how much fun your dog can have with this. They will love throwing that sock around and chasing it when it bounces. This is a good game of fetch, too. Cost: Around $2

Next, take another new sweat sock, draw a funny face on it and stuff your hand inside. Use it as a hand puppet by talking and gently nipping at your dog's ears and nose. They might be confused at first, but will catch on real fast. Always use a new sock because it will make them seem different from the ones you wear. If they don't have your scent and there's a face drawn on them, they won't look like the ones you wear around the house. Cost: Around $2

The Shell Game

Use three plastic cups (make sure they're not clear) and a dog treat for this game. Turn the cups upside down and put the treat under one of them. Keep switching the cups around really fast so it confuses your dog. Once you stop, make your dog pick which cup the treat is under. Trust me, your dog will always win and will have lots of fun doing so. Cost: Free

Smash the Pinata

This game is a lot like the one humans play. Take a brown paper bag, draw a traditional

piñata design on it and fill it with some doggie treats. Then attach it to a pole with a rope on the end and swing it in front of your dog. This is great exercise due to all the jumping your dog will do. They will love it! Cost: Free

Swing the Plastic Bottle

Things you'll need: Empty plastic bottle (any size); a straw; knitting needle

Punch holes on each side of your plastic bottle.

Run your straw through the holes and then put your knitting needle through the straw. It should be able to swing so you will need the knitting needle longer than the straw.

You should be able to have both hands on each side of the knitting needle that is holding up the bottle. Make sure the holes are about a quarter of the way down the bottle, which will keep your bottle from becoming too top heavy. Put a treat inside the bottle, hold your hand on each side of it and have your dog swing the bottle until the treat falls out of the open top. This will keep them entertained for a long time. Cost: Around $3

I sincerely hope this article was helpful to you. If you would like more information on any dog needs whether it's natural/organic nutrition, dog training, tuff dog toys, dog gifts, allergy kits, flea control and more, please visit http://www.TailWaggingSolutions.blogspot.com While you are there you can enjoy reading "Just For Doggie Laughs" and "Putter's Doggie Tips for the Week". Here's to loving your dog.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where to Find Affordable Trendy Fashions

Even with today's economy there isn't any reason you can't still buy trendy and fashionable clothing. There are several things happening today in the world of fashion that can actually work well to your advantage when it comes to buying clothing.

One of the things that is happening is that fashion designers are realizing that their customer bases are drying up. Even women on Rodeo Drive aren't spending like they used to. They're holding back on spending thousands of dollars on designer handbags, shoes and clothing. How does this affect you?  Well it's a trickle down effect.

Take a look at some of the higher end fashion sites on line.  What you'll find is places like Net-A-Porter and eLuxury are having unbelievable sales. They are offering fashions from today's top fashion designers at rock bottom prices. It's not unusual to find fashions from designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Versace, Zac Posen, Michael Kors and Tracy Reese (just to mention a few) at sales offering 50% and up to 65% off.

Now of course a $1000 Nina Ricci silk jacket is still expensive for most of us. But, you can still find great buys on less expensive items. Still not sure how this affects you?

What's happening now is that lower cost fashion design houses are experiencing an increase in sales. They're seeing a very large and new gap that needs to be filled in the fashion industry. They're seeing a need for trendy affordable fashion, and they're filling it.

You'll find these affordable fashions at lots of different stores, stores far from Rodeo Drive.  Just check out the selection in your local TJ Maxx or Kohl's.  Even Target and WalMart are expanding their women's clothing sections.

So how can you take advantage of this and be fashionable at the same time? Take advantage of fashion magazines.  What, you say, the same magazines that sell high end designer fashions that I can't afford?  Yes! That's exactly what I mean. I buy the issue that focuses on a particular fashion season.

Just a few weeks ago I bought a fashion magazine that focused on the new Spring fashions.  I looked through the magazine and saw what they said are the fashions trends to look for.  Some of the trends they mentioned were black and white patterns and geometrics, safari fashion and metallics.  The next thing I did was head to my local stores.  I took a look around and saw a lot of reasonably priced fashions that would fit the bill. I saw skirts, pants, shirts, shoes, handbags and accessories that I could work well in my wardrobe that would prove that I'm both fashionable and trendy as well as thrifty!

Catherine Olivia loves fashion and knows where you can find affordable women's clothing. Visit http://www.fashionblast.net to find out how you can save money on the latest fashions.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss

Two of the leading causes of sudden hair loss are genes and stress. Hairloss may be inherited, but this is usually not sudden, but happens over time. What is sudden about it is that you notice large clumps of hair staying on the brush or comb when you do your hair each morning. Although this is common in males, it does happen to females as well. Severe stress has also been identified as a cause of sudden hair loss because it interferes with the inner workings of the body's hormones. This can be psychological stress or trauma to the body following an accident or major surgery.

People that experience sudden hair loss contact their doctor immediately to try to find the causes of sudden hair loss. If there is no underlying stress or side effects from medication, sudden hair loss could be a warning sign of the early onset of a disease such as diabetes or lupus or even an infection of the scalp.

Some people who experience sudden hair loss realize that the problem is caused by DHT. This is usually what causes rapid hair loss due to genetic causes. The doctor can prescribe a DHT blocker as a shampoo or a topical solution that will help to slow the effects of thinning hair and help some of the hair to grow back. Of course every case is different. What works well for one person may not work for another.

One of the more serious hair loss causes is a condition called alopecia. There are several forms of this condition, but there is no cure for it. The forms of alopecia are:

· Alopecia areata - in this form of the condition patients experience sudden hair loss in patches that leave bald spots in different parts of the scalp

· Alopecia totalis - this results in total hair loss on all of the scalp

· Alopecia universalis - this is total hairloss all over the body

When doctors are trying to find the causes of rapid hair loss, the first tests will be blood tests to determine whether there is an infection, a deficiency or a hormone problem. Sudden hair loss in itself is a traumatic experience and people often rush out and purchase all manner of products to try to get their hair to grow back. These products will probably not work unless you have identified the underlying causes of sudden hair loss. It is important to so this first rather than waste your money on products that will not do anything for you or your hair.

Sudden hair loss is not common, but happens. Find out the cause first before doing anything else.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Durable Dog Toys

My dog is a chewer. He's a Border collie with unlimited energy and needs to be entertained much of the time. I often get him dog toys of all shapes and sizes. The first thing he goes after are the eyes if the toy has them. The next is the squeaker, followed by any stuffing. If there ever was a dog that needed durable dog toys, my dog is the perfect example.

Now my dog is no amateur when it comes to quickly dissecting every toy that is made from cloth materials. He does have a squirrel that he like enough not to go after the parts but most new stuffed toys are quickly dispatched to the dog toy graveyard. Sometimes these cloth dog toys are destroyed in a matter of minutes.

And plastic toys are just as quick to be destroyed as cloth ones. He has a real determination to chew through anything and is very good at it. Plastic toys have a tendency to be dangerous too. They break off in parts that can be swallowed or get caught in his teeth. And believe me when I say I don't need another expensive trip the Vet.

The good news is that he never chews on anything but dog toys. He's a smart dog and although he will borrow a cat toy sometimes, he never really destroys them. He does have a bad habit of bringing the toys to bed and which is not a good thing.

And he does have a tendency to scatter the toys out in the yard, which makes for projectiles when mowing the lawn. Or run over in the driveway. And the most fun is to trip over one of his toys in the back yard. He obviously has too many toys.

We have discovered several dog toys that our dog can't immediately destroy and are pretty durable dog toys. Each one is different but all have passed the chew tests. And the good thing about all three of these dog toys is he will play with them all by himself.

The first one is homemade out of old denim jeans. When a pair is finally ready for the trash bin I cut up strips about 15 inches long and two inches wide. I then tie about 4 strips together with a knot in the middle. This leaves about 6 inch strips coming out from the knot. He loves to fetch this toy and he'll go play with it by himself, throwing it up into the air and then chasing it.

The next favorite is a soup bone. We always check the meat section and look for soup bones that are the right size (big enough not to cause any problems with swallowing whole). Sometimes we make the soup; sometimes we just give him the bone right out of the package. He doesn't seem to care and he's got quite a collection that he will go get himself and play with for hours. We usually will take a few older ones away when he isn't looking.

The third favorite is made by Nylabone and looks like a big wishbone with a handle. I think they cost around $4 or $5 and are the most durable dog toys we've ever bought. His favorite size is about 4 inches by 4 inches and he will spend hours chewing on it. We usually will throw one out when it gets too chewed up but they last for months.

We still try new dog toys from time to time but most fail the durability test quickly. That's not to say he doesn't have a good time with them, but it's a short good time. And most are under a few dollars so they won't break the bank. But the three most durable dog toys remain the three listed above and I highly recommend you give them a try if you have a dog that is a chewer like mine.

Learn how to recognize dog allergy symptoms and treatments here: Dog Allergy Symptoms, Learn about off leash dog training here: Off Leash Training.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to Remove the Tangles in Your Shih Tzu's Hair

One of the biggest and most annoying problems any Shih Tzu owner faces is tangles in their dog's hair. It looks ugly and can cause irritation and even ulcers on your dog's skin if left untreated.

One of the best ways to prevent matting is to comb your dog's hair frequently. This is especially true when your Shih Tzu is blowing his coat. When this happens, normally when your Shih Tzu is around nine months of age, the hair of the bottom coat loosens and gets stuck in the top coat. During this period you should comb out the dead hair as many as three times a day.

How to remove tangles

If mats do form remove them as follows:

o Split the hair lengthwise into smaller piece. Use a sharp thin object for the job and be careful not to hurt the dog. There are special tools on the market to help remove mats, but make sure you buy one with replacement blades as the blades need to be sharp. You will find that it is much easier to work on smaller chunks of hair and this is one of the secrets to remove a mat.

o Your next task is to loosen the hair.  Get a V shaped comb and use a picking action to separate the hair. Think in out, in out.

o After picking, loosen the hair further with your fingers. This will make combing much easier.

o Next use a coarse comb and comb through the hair, but make sure you do not pull the dog's hair. I recommend that you grab the dog's hair as close as possible to the skin (at the root of the hair) with one hand and use the other hand to do the combing. That will eliminate pulling of the hair and will be more comfortable for your dog. Comb from the side of the hair rather than from the front or center. 

Products that help with tangles

There are a few products on the market that make it easier to remove mats.

The first range of products is called detanglers. The job of a detangler is to make the hair slick and to remove static electricity so that matting does not occur so easily. Cowboy Magic is one such a product that works well.

Another range of products have a silicon base and they work on the same basis as the detanglers - just remember to let it dry completely before you work on the coat.

You can also use conditioner. For bigger areas use undiluted conditioner while diluted conditioner should works just fine for smaller areas.

If you have neglected your dog for too long (shame on you) and the mats are too big to remove, your best option may be to take your dog to the groomer for a good haircut and to start over.

There are of course way more to Shih Tzu Care than sorting out tangles. To learn more about Shih Tzu Grooming and to sign up for a ten day mini course visit http://www.shihtzuparadise.com

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Holy and Unholy Numbers

Many of our great religions hold that numbers contain hidden meanings that in turn hold the mysteries of the universe and God within them. Ancient Hebrew mystics referred to this as Gematria. Numbers are also given corresponding associations to various deities, colours, plants, gemstones, and superstitions. Here are a brief list of associated correspondences and lore for the numbers 1 through 13.

The Number 1

In the faiths of Islamic, Jewish and Christian cultures the number 1 is associated with the unity of God. For medieval alchemists and metaphysicians the number was associated with the Philosopher's Stone, the unknown catalyst that was thought to transform base metals magically into gold.

The number 1 is also associated with Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess of Love; Apollo, the Greek God of Beauty and Truth; Diana, the Roman Goddess of the Hunt; Vesta, the Roman Hearth Goddess; Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility, and the Chinese God Pangu.

The number 1 is associated with the colors red, crimson, scarlet and cherry. Gemstones associated with the number 1 are ruby and garnet. Flowers associated with the number are red roses and red carnations.

Common superstitions about the number one are:

Break one egg and you will break a leg

It is unlucky to walk around the house in one slipper.

Only keep money in one pocket or you will lose it.

People with one hand are psychic.

A one-eyed person is a witch.

Seeing one magpie bodes a death in your future.

Seeing one white horse brings bad luck.

If you wash your hair on the first day of the month you will have a short life.

It is unlucky to get married August 1st or January 1st.

If you dream about the number 1 you have received a direct message from God.

The Number 2

In the Tarot deck, the number two represents duality, choices, decisions and partnerships. The Chinese believe that it represents the polar forces of Yin (the receptive, constrictive female energy) and Yang (the creative expansive male energy.)

Early Christians believed that the number represented the Devil or the division between soul and God. Similarly, the Zoroastrians believe the number represents the forces of good and evil locked in an eternal, yet equal, struggle.

The number 2 is also associated with the Ceres, the Greek Goddess of the Grain from whose name we have the word Cereal; Frigga the Norse Goddess of Hospitality and Wife of Odin; Freya, the Norse Goddess of Fertility and Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love.

2 is associated with the colors orange, gold, tangerine and peach. Flowers associated with 2 are freesias, orange roses and orange lilies. Gemstones associated with the number 2 are gold and coral.

Superstitions about the number two are:

If two crows fly over the house there will be a wedding in the family.

If two people sneeze at the same time both will have good luck.

If two shoots grow from the root of a single cabbage, you will have good luck.

Two people should never pour tea from the same pot.

It is lucky to have two holes in the same sock.

Breaking two eggs accidentally is a sign that you will find your soul mate.

Finding an egg with two yolks means there will be a death in the family.

If you wash your hair on the second day of the month you will have good fortune.

It is unlucky to get married January 2nd and September 2nd.

If you dream about the number 2 somebody is jealous of you.

The Number 3

Christians interpret the number 3 as representing the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The great psychologist Carl Jung interpreted as meaning the merging of the will with the heart and the soul. The ancient Babylonians and Celts interpreted this number to represent creation being born out of the union of 2 and thereby being a 3rd and distinct thing.

The number 3 is associated with Cronos, the Greek Titan who fathered the Olympians; Hecate, the Queen of the Witches and Goddess of the Crossroads; Pluto, the Roman God of Death; Saturn the Roman equivalent of Cronos and Tyr, the Norse God of Battle and Strength.

3 is associated with the colors yellow, lemon, beige and cream. Flowers associated with the number are yellow roses and orchids. The gemstone associated with 3 is topaz.

Some superstitions about the number three include:

A series of unlucky events always happen in threes.

It is bad luck to see three butterflies sitting on a leaf.

Spitting three times shoos away the devil.

It is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the same match.

If an owl hoots three times, there will be misfortune.

If a cat washes his ears three times you can expect a visitor.

A three-legged dog brings luck.

Try anything a third time and it will succeed.

If you wash your hair on the third day of the month you will
have great wealth.

It is unlucky to get married May 3rd.

If you dream about the number 3, you will lose your lover.

The Number 4

For the ancient Hebrews, the number 4 was considered to be especially significant. This connects to a mystical understanding of YHVH, the four-letter name of God, which was traditionally never written down. The number 4 and its equivalent geometrical shape, the square, were considered to be sacred by ancient cultures that believed the world was flat.

Many modern Pagan religions find within the number 4 a representation of the four directions (north, south, east and west) as well as the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water.

Deities associated with the number four are the fatherly Gods such as the Roman God Jupiter, the Norse God Odin and the Greek God Zeus.

Number 4 is associated with the colors green and emerald. The gemstones symbolized by 4 are jade and emerald. Plants associated with four are ivy, bamboo and baby's breath.

Some superstitions about the number 4 include:

A four-leaf clover brings luck.

If four cookies fuse together in the oven while you are baking there will be a wedding.

Four ravens clustered together on a tree branch means there will be a wedding.

Finding four colors in one pansy petal bodes health, wealth, happiness and prosperity.

A house with the number 4 in the address is very inauspicious.

Keeping the four aces of an ordinary playing deck on your person is thought to bring power (spades), wealth (diamonds), love (hearts) and popularity (clubs).

Finding four colors in one pansy petal bodes health, wealth, happiness and prosperity.

If you hold the four of clubs while playing a card game, you will always lose.

If you wash your hair on the 4th day of the month you will go gray early.

It is unlucky to get married June 4th or October 4th.

If you dream about the number 4, you will soon be handed a lucky opportunity.

The Number 5

Pythagoras believed that 5 represented man in perfect balance with the universe and containing the sum of the male and female elements. At times this was taken to symbolize marriage. For the Sikhs, the number symbolizes the five sacred objects that are worn by all males.

The Chinese believe the number represents the 5 elements that are used in the divination oracle The I Ching as well as on the Pa' Kua that is a device used for determining Feng Shui: earth, air, water, fire and metal.

In Wiccan circles, five can be found in the star shaped pentagram that symbolizes the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water surmounted or united by spirit.

Deities associated with the number 5 include Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine and Ecstatic Revelation; Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess of Love, Sex and War; Mars the Roman God of War and Thor the Norse God of Thunder.

The colors sky blue and turquoise symbolize the number 5. The gemstones associated with 5 are turquoise and aquamarine. The flower associated with 5 is the anemone.

Some common superstitions about the number five are:

A five-leafed clover is even luckier than a four leafed one.

Wearing a five-pointed star turns away evil.

If five cookies fuse together while cooking a funeral will take place.

If you twist the stem of an apple and it breaks on the fifth twist you will be married within the year.

In the hoodoo tradition, a talisman featuring a hand displaying all five fingers is known as the Lucky Hand and is used to ward off misfortune as well as for luck in gambling.

If you wax your hair on the fifth day of the month you will go bald.

It is unlucky to get married on November 5th.

If you dream about the number five you will soon be famous.

The Number 6

For Christians, Jews and Moslems, the number 6 represents the day that man was created. Mathematicians revere the number 6 because it is the first perfect number.

Deities associated with the number 6 include Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom; Bacchus, the Roman God of Wine and Hermes, the Greek God of Communication.

The number 6 is symbolized the colors deep blue, navy and royal blue. Gemstones associated with 6 are sapphire and lapis lazuli. Flowers that symbolize the number are thistles and bluebells.

Some common superstitions about the number six are:

It is unlucky to purposely turn the number six upside down in jest as it means your projects will not be completed.

If you find a rose with six petals it means you will be lucky in love.

If you find a pansy petal with six colors in it, it means you will receive an unexpected visitor.

A talisman with the number 6 worn on it means you will be protected against hurricanes and tornados.

It is unlucky to get married October 6th or November 6th.

If you dream about the number 6 you will soon have sex.

The Number 7

The number 7 is equally sacred amongst Islamic, Christian and Jewish religions. According to Jewish and Christian mythologies it took six days to create the world with the seventh day being the holiest day - a day of rest. The Bible, Zohar and other religious texts also recommend that fields were to be left fallow every seventh year as means of allowing the earth to regenerate itself. Some Christians believe the number 7 represents the seven levels of hell.

It is Hebrew tradition to mourn, or sit Shivah, for a period of 7 days.

Deities associated with the number 7 include Frigga; Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Intelligence and Wisdom and Mithras the Sun God in Zoroastrian lore.

The number 7 is associated with the colors violet, purple and plum. 7's gemstone is amethyst.

Flowers associated with 7 are irises and deep purple roses.

Some common superstitions about the number 7 are:

If your date of birth can be reduced to a single number that can be divided by seven then you will have a particularly lucky life.

Shattering a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck.

If you sing before 7 am then you will cry before 11 am.

Wrapping her husband's belt 7 times around a tree causes a woman to become fertile.

The seventh child of a seventh child is said to have psychic powers.

If you wash your hair on the 7th day of the month you will have trouble with the law.

It is unlucky to get married April 7th or December 7th.

If you dream about the number 7, you will soon meet a soul mate.

The Number 8

The ancient Greeks associated the number 8 with unhappiness and imperfection. The psychologist Carl Jung equated the number with the secret and dark movements of the subconscious that constantly folds into itself like a snake eating its tail.

According to the principles of Chinese Feng Shui the number 8 represents abundance and prosperity. It is considered lucky to have a house number that contains an 8.

Gods and goddesses associated with the number 8 include: Mercury, the Roman Messenger God; Gaia, the Greek Earth Mother; and Hera, the Greek Queen of Heaven.

The number 8 is represented by the colors pink and rose. 8's gemstones are rose quartz and pearl.
Flowers associated with the number are pink roses and pink carnations.

Some common superstitions about the number 8 are:

If you fall ill eight days after a new moon, you will die by the full moon.

If you give 8 pennies away you will receive 108 times that amount.

Repeating your own name 8 times while staring into your own eyes in a mirror is thought to bring prosperity.

It is unlucky to give a person a bouquet with 8 flowers.

A house with the address 88 will bring you double happiness.

If you wash your hair on the 8th day of the month you will live to a ripe old age.

It is unlucky to get married February 8th and June 8th.

If you dream about the number 8, you will soon lose a great deal of money.

The Number 9

In occult circles, 9 is considered to be the number of completion and is closely connected with the Dead, especially one's personal ancestors, and with the forces of the cemetery and the Underworld. The nine is also associated with Hecate, the Queen of the Witches.

In Chinese mythology, the number composes the lo-shi, a magic square that comprises the first nine single digits on the number line.

Gods and goddesses associated with the number nine include: Juno, the Roman Queen of Heaven; Luna, the Roman Goddess of the Moon and Odin, the All-Father & Ruler in Norse mythology.

The number 9 is symbolized by the colors white and pearl. 9 is associated with the silver, platinum, diamond and pearl. Flowers associated with the number are white carnations, white roses and lily of the valley

Common superstitions about the number 9 include:

You will be blessed if you find nine peas in a pod.

Tying nine knots in a strand of your lover's hair will convince him to come to you.

Tying nine knots around a photograph of an enemy will cause them to give up the battle against you.

An address with the number nine in it brings you a long life.

If a young man wants to marry he should count 99 stars in the sky for 9 days. On the tenth day he will meet his soul mate.

Misfortune befalls the person who finds the Nine of Diamonds card on the street.

The moon that falls nine days after the New Moon in May is considered to be an unlucky day.

If you wash your hair on the ninth day of the month your marriage will be happy.

It is unlucky to get married December 9th.

If you dream about the number nine, your home will soon be blessed with a child.

The Number 10

For Christians, the number 10 symbolizes the Ten Commandments that were delivered through Moses from God at Mt. Sinai.

Deities traditionally associated with the number 10 include the Greek Gods Atlas, who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders and Uranus who was responsible for imagination and technology.

A common superstitious is that if you wash your hair on the 10th day of the month, you will receive a promotion at work. Another is that if you dream about the number 10 your mate is unfaithful.

The Number 11

The number 11 and in particular the number 11:11 (as seen on a clock) is considered, by many light workers and channellers to be a portal to other astral dimensions. The number 11 is also considered to be a 'master number" in schools of numerology.

Deities associated with the number 11 are the Sea Kings such as the Roman God Neptune and the Greek God Poseidon.

A common Chinese superstition is that washing your hair on the 11th day of the month will improve your eyesight.

The Number 12

The number 12 is associated with the Twelve Apostles, the number of people on a jury as well as The Twelve Days of Christmas.

The number 12 is also identified with the Roman Two-faced God Janus.

A common superstition is that washing your hair on the 12th day of the month will bring you misfortune. Another is that if you dream of the number 12, a solution will soon be found to a nagging problem.

The Number 13

Usually considered an unlucky number, this double-digit represents Judas, who was the guest at the Last Supper who betrayed Jesus. As a result it is also thought to be unlucky to have a dinner party with 13 guests.

Many hotels are missing a thirteenth floor or have omitted the number from their room doors.

Gods associated with the number 13 are Hades, the Greek God of the Underworld and Pluto, the Roman God of Underworld.

The color associated with the number 13 is black.

Some common superstitions about the number 13 are:

It is unlucky to have an address with the number 13.

It is also unlucky to have 13 numbers in your name.

Friday the 13th of any month is said to be an unlucky day.

The moon that falls thirteen days after the New Moon in August is considered to be an unlucky day.

Washing your hair on the 13th of the month ensures that you will give birth to a son.


Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com

Monday, August 15, 2011

How Do You Know when Someone is in Love with You?


Often we have to ask ourselves, does he/she really love me? Is he/she really in love with me? Am I in love with him/her? Do I really love him/her? These are questions of the heart and only you know the answer. However, there are indicators to help us understand the answer to our question of being in love and knowing when someone is in love with us.

When there is a question, there is undoubtedly an answer. It may not be the answer we are looking for, but there is an answer. The key to receiving the answer is being able to accept the truth. Sometimes we don't want to know the truth because it hurts. It hurts because we want things our way, just like we dreamed it up. Unfortunately, life cannot always be the dream that we want it to be. Sometimes, maybe most of the time for most of us, life is not the dream we want at all, not anything close to it. It's important to understand that love does not love anyone, it just loves love. This is why it is so easy to fall in love and so difficult to stay in love. Love is! And that is it. The Bible says that there is no greater love than this, than a man lay down his life for his friend (John chapter 15 verse 13). If this is an indicator of someone being in love then we must be able to answer the question: "Would I die for him/her?" and "would he/she die for me?"

Often in relationships people neglect to embrace the truth of who they are and therefore cannot understand themselves enough to answer questions of love. For example, I have often asked this question of someone whom I was very interested in, "What did you not know about the person you just broke up with that you learned later in the relationship?" If a person is really truthful about this, they would say exactly what they learned down the road that they did not know in the beginning of the relationship. Often it is these things we find out later about a person that makes us change our mind about being with them. The response I typically get is, "I cannot answer that question." Or "I have to think about that?" This indicates that there is nothing that they did not know from the beginning. The next question I typically ask is even more provocative and to the point, "Did you pay attention to what you knew about the person or did you think you could change them or they would change later on in the relationship?" The answer for this one is always, "I just thought things would change." The point here is if you are honest with yourself and the person you are interested in, and truly pay attention to who you are and what you are about, you would not allow yourself to get into relationships where you had to change something about someone or wait for them to change something about themselves. This goes to that old cliché "Be true to yourself." This is not to say that people don't change, rather the change should be for the better, not the worse.

You see, answering the above questions honestly will give you power to embrace the truth about you. When you know the truth about you, it will allow you to deal with others with more honesty and truth as well. Now here is the touchy part, can you ask this question of someone you are in love with and accept their answer? When you make up your mind that you are in love with someone, does that mean that they must be in love with you? If so, then you are not really in love, you are in need of a hug. You cannot force anyone to be in love with you. This is what makes many marriages fail, people try to force each other to be in love and it ends up destroying the relationship. Being in love is something that must be voluntary. Some of the books on the subject of relationships and finding someone to fall in love with and have them fall in love with you are nothing more than a cookbook for a bad relationship. The famed game of love is just that, a game. You should take note, that as in all games, there are winners and losers. However, you should also know that "Love" is not a game, it is a life style and you need to be able to commit to that life style like a religion, with your mate, and like wise your mate must be able to commit to you in the same way.


There is nothing more to knowing if that man or that woman is in love with you or if you are in love with them. There is no secret, there is no game, there is only the truth. The truth is being willing to die for that person and that person being willing to die for you. In a since that is what marriage is all about: "Two people dying as individuals and becoming a new person together. Working together, pulling together, pushing together and being in love together for ever."

Now the term "die" does not mean that you will actually go through with it at some point and end your life. God willing both of you will live a long time and be happy together. However, it does mean that when it comes to satisfying each other and making each other happy that you would put your inhibitions aside (kill your fears and worries) and do what is necessary to make your mate happy and like wise your mate must be able to do the same for you. If there is no reciprocity, then there is no love. Reciprocity does not mean a quid pro quo. In other words, never get into a situation where you only will do what your mate will do for you. This is not love. Sometimes you will give more then your mate and other times your mate will give more than you. This is how it will always be. There is no such thing as 50/50 love. Forget that Teddy Pendergrass song from back in the day, it only sounds good. When you find yourself giving more than your mate, just remember, this is the person you are in love with and this person is in love with you. The Bible says that "charity covers a multitude of sins" (I Peter Chapter 4 Verse 8 KJV). The definition of "charity" is: lenient judgment of others. You must be willing and able to have lenient judgment of the person you are in love with. Be willing to grow with your mate through communication when mistakes are made. This is an on going thing, it never ends as long as you both live.


The Bible explains the greatest thing is charity: "And now abide faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity (I Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 13 KJV)." It also says "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (I Corinthians Chapter 13 verse 2 KJV)" When you consider what charity brings to a relationship, if you cannot show charity between each other, but everything else is simply wonderful, your relationship really is nothing.

Last, but not least, a clear indicator of someone being in love with you is when they can keep other people out of your personal relationship with them. Your friends and family may mean well, but you are not in love with them and they apparently cannot be in love with you like your mate. Otherwise, why do you even need to be with your mate? Keep your friends and family, but keep them out of your relationship when it comes to making yourself and your mate happy. A good Bible scripture for this is Mathew Chapter 6 verses 3 and 4: "But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly."

Everyone does not need to be a mentor or counselor in your relationship with your mate. Learn how to keep most intimate things between you and your mate to yourself. I am not talking about abusive things, just personal things that should only be between you two.

You can tell when someone is in love with you when they are willing to consistently show charity and demonstrate unselfishness toward you and your needs. This does not mean that you should take kindness for weakness. This would be a big mistake. Often people show charity and love for their mate, but the mate takes it for granted and begins simply ignoring the truth of true love. Love just loves love and if love does not receive love back, then it will soon find another love. This again is a form of being able to die for them and they should reciprocate willing to die for you (die in the sense of putting there own selfishness aside to make you happy and you being able to do the same for them) with cheerfulness.

“Pastor Ethan” is a character based on Author, Nevada York from her novel, Mahogany’s Revelation. “Pastor Ethan” resides in the Bay Area of California. http://nevadayork.com

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Unusual Uses For Corn Starch

Corn starch is a great thing. It has many wonderful uses, but some are definitely stranger than others. Here's a list of some odd ones that are still quite useful.

For a start, corn starch can help things to glide and slip better. What sorts of things are those? Well, rubber gloves are one great example. They can be a real pain to get on and off, sometimes. So, the next time you need to put on a pair, be sure to starch them, first. It'll make things a lot easier.

Another great way to use that corn starch feature is to untangle knots. Kids, for instance, often go through phases where they get obsessed with shoelaces. That can lead to a tangled up mess. Sprinkling a little starch on the tangle can make it much easier to separate the ends, though.

Speaking of kids, kids will love this next use for corn starch. Mix 4 teaspoons of cold water with three teaspoons of starch. Stir it until it starts to form a paste. Congratulations! That's exactly what you're making! Kids will love using it for craft projects and, for some added fun, you can color it with food coloring. If you need to make more of it, just double or triple the recipe, as needed.

Corn starch can be used for many other things, too. It's good for everything from cleaning windows to polishing silver, and many more fabulous activities. So, make sure to keep it on hand and you'll be one step ahead the next time you want to do any of the things above.

Josh Craver has been writing articles about home products for the past two years. He also likes to write about health-related topics, such as why to use a blackhead removal tool or any type of blackhead remover to reduce scarring.

Josh Craver

Friday, August 12, 2011

What Are Rocket Dog Boots?

Rocket Dog Boots are a brand of shoes made by a company called Rocket Dog. The company was founded in 1997 when two individuals decided to come together and develop their own brand of footwear. The name of the company was inspired from one of the creator's dog called "Max", who was extremely energetic and enjoyed bolting up and down the beach. Coming from California, the brand's designs keep that chilled and laid back feel of the lifestyle so commonly depicted there. Their footwear ranges from surf style sandals and wedges to street wear, which has become very fashionable and trendy among women.

The company prides itself in producing footwear that fuses all the influences from different parts of the world. These influences can be found in material prints, and all the details that go into the footwear from Buckles, shoe laces, bows, kilties and other features. The company produces a wide range of footwear such as, sneakers, sandals, heels, pumps, boots and bags. Their Rocket dog boots are very popular and they have a large number of them in different styles and colors that are all elegantly designed. They use a number of materials for the boots, from Cowhide leather to pig Nubuck, suede, and others.

You will not have any problem in finding a style of boot that suits your needs, as they have them designed from calf high brands to wonderfully crafted pattern knit ankle boots. They are extremely comfortable and have ergonomic designs, which makes wearing them an absolute pleasure. One of their boots, which has a huge following, is the slush puppy boot. It is designed to be practical while at the same time keeps you warm from those biting winters. They are suede ankle boots, which come in black, chestnut, tribal brown and mushroom colors.

Rocket dog boots are also designed for children, and are designed mainly in suede. Today, children are very conscious of fashion and will only want to wear what is trendy and in fashion. When it comes to kids boots, one of the popular designs from Rocket dog is the Sugar pup boot. This is a calf high suede boot that features a front lace up detail, which makes it look very stylish and gives them a classy appearance. The inside of the shoe is designed with a cozy lining that keeps you warm. The sole of the boot is made from very durable materials, which will see them last a long time. This boot comes in suede black or in sued chestnut.

You can find Rocket dog boots in a number of different stores in many countries around the globe. Alternatively, you can also find numerous online stores selling a wide range of rocket dog footwear. When it comes to price, the brand is extremely affordable. You can find Rocket dog boots from anywhere between $50 -$100, depending on where you buy them. These boots are very good value and will last a long time, simply because of how well they are well designed.

If You are interested to read more about Rocket Dog Boots then please click on to www.nucleus-online.com/rocket-dog for all Details.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dog Shedding

Dog shedding can be a big pain in some households, and depending on how disciplined you are about your dog clambering around the furniture the fur mess can be more than expected sometimes, and can get absolutely everywhere. Shredding happens as a result of a few different situations, the first and common in all breeds of dogs is to make way for a new shiny coat every now and again, and to get rid of dead hair that is no longer needed. Another cause for shedding is seasonal changes like some breeds are used to in their natural habitat, in theses situation there can be lots of hair being dropped at an almost worrying rate twice a year, but it is actually quite normal for this to happen.

If you are worried about how much hair your dog is loosing, then do some research or go to the vets and find out the different types of dogs that get affected by this seasonal change. In rare cases loosing large amount or fur can be caused by a poor diet and insufficient amounts of vitamins to keep the fur alive. All these can be answered by your local veterinarian. If you are tired of all this fur and the effects of them losing its coat, keeping them well groomed will help to stop the spread of hair and keep their coat healthy at the same time and is always recommended to stop knots or matted hair along with keeping your dog healthier and happier.

To summarize, if you are worried about your dogs shedding and have looked to find the shedding habits of the breed of dog you have then visiting a vet is the best option and they will be able to give you a more in-depth analysis of the situation after an examination of themand keep your mind at rest about the health of your dog.

For more information on Dog Behavior Training take a look at Dog-Behavior-Training.co.uk

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Liposuction - Get Rid of Chubby Cheeks and Sagging Jowls

You probably already know that sometimes no amount of diet and exercise can get rid of fat and it certainly can't spot reduce fat. But, what about those areas that you can't work out in the first place-the cheeks, neck and chin?

You might be surprised to learn that you can actually use liposuction to remove the fat in these areas. That's right, it's not just for the tummy, hips and thighs-liposuction can slim up your face too!

Because the face is not an area you can hide, a very thin micro-cannula, vacuum tube, is used and usually the tumescent technique is employed. This procedure is done under a local anesthetic. What also makes tumescent technique so wonderful, besides the smaller cannulas and incisions sites is the use of an injected solution of lidocaine and epinephrine.

The lidocaine makes the fatty area swell up, making it easier for the cannula to suck out the fatty tissue. The epinephrine constricts the blood vessels which reduces bleeding during the procedure. As a result, there is less trauma to the area which leads to less bleeding, swelling and an faster recovery time.

Areas this procedure can treat are the cheeks and jowls where fat commonly gathers and gives you a puffy droopy dog appearance. Tumescent liposuction can remove the excess fat and contour the area revealing your cheek bones and jaw line that has been hiding under the fat. Another area that responds well is the area just below the chin and down the neck.

You know, it kind of makes you look like you don't have a chin or, in profile pictures, there's a waddle of fat that makes you cringe. Again, this area can be treated and give you a more appealing profile and a definite chin, no more double chin.

Liposuction alone can make you look slimmer and younger in the face. But, for an overall younger look, you may need to have additional procedures. Particularly if there is a lot of excess skin after the fat is gone, you may need a face lift or partial lift. Other skin treatments that can help put the finishing touches on your new face are laser skin resurfacing or injectables, like Restylane or Botox.

These can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage and firm up the skin and promote collagen production for improved volume and elasticity. These, along with the fatty deposits, make you look older than your years. When choosing a surgeon to perform liposuction around your face, be sure to choose wisely.

Some doctors may advertise that they are a cosmetic surgeon, but that doesn't mean they have been properly trained. Only a board certified plastic surgeon is qualified to be performing procedures like this and it is your best defense against complications during and afterward.

The average cost of treated this area ranges from $2,000-$4,500 depending on the extent of the treatment and how many areas need to be contoured. A baggy chubby face ages you and makes you seem bigger than you are. Get rid of that fat, slim up the face and reclaim a younger slimmer looking you.

In Charleston, liposuction surgeon slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately enhancing your self-image. To know more, visit http://www.oneillplasticsurgery.com

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shih Tzu Grooming Tools

To make things a whole lot easier for both you and your pet, you should introduce the concept of brushes, combs and a regular grooming schedule to your canine companion as soon as possible. Even puppies as young as a few weeks old can and should be taught how to get used to a regular grooming regimen.

The most basic Shih Tzu grooming tools you would need are dog shampoo, dog conditioner, warm wet cloth, pet nail filer, doggy toothbrush and tooth paste, straight metal comb, soft bristled brush, cloth, and a blow dryer. You can use trimming scissors to give your pet an edgier look or to remove preexisting fur matting. But if you plan on entering your pet into a dog show, you should not be using trimming scissors at all.

You would need: doggy toothbrush, doggy toothpaste, grooming liquid (warm or tepid water will do,) straight metal comb, and a warm, wet cloth. These are the tools you would need to groom your pet on a daily basis (for puppies) or on an every-other-day basis (for adult Shih Tzu pets.)

You would also need: a pet nail filer, doggy shampoo, doggy conditioner for long haired pets, and a blow dryer.

Lastly, you should only buy a pair of trimming scissors if you have no intention of entering your pet in dog breed standard competitions or in case your pet is prone to matting.

If you are not sure as to what kind of canine grooming brush you should buy for your pet, you might want to follow this guideline: #4F (comb) blades are for short-trimmed dogs, while #30 blades with a #1 comb is for long-haired pets. Dogs prone to matting and tangles would benefit from the use of #5F or #7F blades. These blades are available in most high-end pet shops. However, a long-toothed metal doggy comb should work fine as well.

One more thing to remember when it comes to grooming Shih Tzus: never try to brush out the tangles in your dog's coat with a comb or brush. This is not only very painful for your Shih Tzu, but pulling on the tangles can also lead to skin tears and other doggy skin. Untangle the knots gently by hand first and then comb through. If matting is already present, then you need to cut away the matted fur using trimming scissors.

It is also recommended to use slicker brushes in order to remove dead hairs. The slicker brush is also used as a final brush down.

De-Matting Rakes

This tool is recommended in order to remove excess mats from the fur. This is an essential tool for dogs that have a problem with mats.

Pin Brushes

Pin brushes can be acquired in one or two forms, withrubber-tipped brush prongs and one without. Pin brushes are a brush of preference for dogs with medium sized coats, wire coats, and wavy coats or curly coats. Secondly, pin brushes are a great compliment for dogs with irritant skin.

Pin brushes are also excellent for removing dead hair. Pin brushes are also very effective at eradicating tangles found in many dogs with a medium-length coat.

Understanding what types of tools are best for grooming particular dog breeds are imperative. Using a certified dog grooming brush will save time, discomfort and pain.

If you would like to gain more information, take a few moments to look at the blog Shih Tzu grooming.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Girls Cute Tattoo Ideas

When you are deciding on cute tattoo ideas for girls, you should look into Zodiac designs. There are many different Zodiac signs which can be applied using different fonts and colours to bring out the personality and style which is all your own. There are other great ideas, which include religious symbols. Many people who are adamant in their faith will get tattoos of Madonna and Child, of Christian crosses, Latin crosses, or even Jesus.

Other ideas are Celtic knots, Celtic crosses, or flags for the country of your origin. There are endless phrases and words which can turn into cute tattoos. These are all based on the personal experiences and which things, people, or places matter most and/or have had the biggest effect on your life. If you are married or in love, the name of your significant other can become one of many great tattoos ideas, while those with children can incorporate the names of their children or a symbol for each child.

Every animal makes for an adorable and meaningful tattoo, especially those which are often associated with me ethereal natures such as goats, sheep, rabbits, or even dogs, cats, fairies, flowers, stars, moons, teddy bears, hearts, or vines. The ideas are only limited by your imagination, creativity, and personal desires. Ideas for girls include Chinese Zodiac symbols or Zodiac signs such as the dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, mouse, cow, tiger, rabbit, dog, and pig.

Once you have determine which tattoo you want, the next step is working with yourself, an artist, friend, or tattoo artist to develop the design. It is not abnormal to go through many drafts of your cute tattoo ideas for girls. Because of the permanent nature of tattoos, designing the right look for your tattoo is one of the most important steps. Once you have decided on a design and are comfortable with the design, you must think in terms of the placement of the tattoo. If you want a detailed dragon tattoo with an elongated tail and neck, putting it on your wrist or fingers would not provide enough skin to achieve the level of detail you wish. Therefore, you need to consider the location before finalizing the design.

There are many popular locations on the body for cute tattoo ideas for girls. Some of the most popular placements include the lower back, the shoulders, around the ankles, around the wrists, on the fingers, around the waist, on the feet, or on the hips.

If you would like to view our extensive range of Tattoos, please visit our website Tattoos For Girls.

Monday, August 1, 2011

How Can You Eliminate Stress? Many Constructive and Efficient Ways to Live Life in a the Slow Lane

Keep the following ideas in mind next time you start to feel stress getting the best of you:

o Exercise: Working out is one of the best ways to get stress out of your body and off your mind. In addition, the fringe benefits are great - a better-looking physique. That is what we all been looking for!

o Relaxing: This is a simple and effective way to reduce stress in just a few minutes at the office. By consciously trying to relax, you can get your heart rate down and put your mind at ease.

Knowing that you are in control is the key. Stress is inevitable, but stress-related diseases are not.
To prevent stress from becoming harmful, it is important that you are aware of how your body reacts to stressful events. In doing so, you can use stress in a positive way. When you encounter a stressful situation, your body goes through three stages.

1. Alarm

Your first reaction naturally is being alarmed. For example, some of us are afraid of speaking to large audiences. When the time comes to approach the podium to give a speech, your heart rate increases and your body temperature rises. This is your body's reaction to the stress and pressure you are under. Hormones may also be released into your bloodstream, causing your face to flush, your stomach to be tied in knots, and your arms and legs to tighten up. Others just simply throw up. It is perfectly natural.

2. Resistance

After alarm, the next stage is resistance. The brain is already acquainted with the situation at hand. The body repairs damage caused by stressful situations. Your heart rate begins to make its way back to normal and your muscles may relax. Your voice seems more natural when you speak and your words start to make sense.

3. Exhaustion:

This is when your body loses the adrenaline and you feel exhausted. If you do not allow yourself to relax during a long-lasting stressful situation, your body may lessen its resistance. At this point, the stress on your body can become so great that you develop an illness. You might suffer from migraine headaches, high blood pressure, backaches or insomnia. It is crucial that you find ways to relieve the stress you are feeling. You might want to take an intermission during your speech or have a cold glass of water handy.

Although it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it doesn't have to control your life. Instead, you can prevent some stress and minimize its negative impact when it can't be avoided.
One negative impact is food. Food can calm your nerves and make you feel more relaxed. That will avoid you going into a stressful situation. Let's take smoking for instance. Some people think that smoking will make you lose weight since you are eating less. You actually think it relaxes your nerves and makes you forget about eating. At the same time, you'll realize that you need, in the near future, a lung transplant. Some use food to avoid feeling stressed, and others, use tobacco when they are already stressed and try to calm themselves down. Proactive versus reactive behaviors. Which situation is better? Neither. There is one way to avoid stress without enlarging your waistline or needing new lungs at age 30. Exercise! I guess the answer is obvious but many of you don't practice it.

We all know you need to exercise. Every day when you leave work, you plan to exercise later that evening, but something always comes up, and you give yourself an excuse to put off working out for one more night.
Many of us need motivation to exercise. If we're not careful, putting exercise at the bottom of our priority list can easily happen. Here are a few reasons that will encourage you to get fit.
You will find that you feel better about yourself when you exercise. Although you might not always want to exercise, after doing so, you will feel great because you persevered. Moreover, by sticking to a fitness routine, you can become confident that you have the capabilities needed to excel in other areas of your life.

When you exercise, a hormone called endorphin is released in your body. This will create in you a natural high. Why go for cocaine when you have endorphin? Some people who love to exercise say that they need the physical activity to feel their best. It is actually, the release of endorphin that they crave. Exercise helps you become healthier. Eating foods that are good for you and working out are the two best ways to lose weight. Exercise also makes your heart stronger, which can help you live a longer and more fulfilled life (physically, emotionally, sexually, sexually and sexually. Oh! Did I mention sexually?).

Getting fit has many benefits. You will have more energy during the day and feel great about yourself. This increase in vitality helps you become more productive.

It is important that you take time out. Exercising is a great way to do this. You will feel revitalized as you strengthen your body. Make exercise a part of your daily routine. You will soon discover the difference it makes in all areas of your life.

We are bombarded daily with stressful situations. Our health may even be threatened if the pressures become too great. The best way to lessen stress is to prevent it from getting a grip on your live and making you miserable. There are several ways to prevent life's frustrations from controlling how we feel. Fortunately, one of the easiest methods is available to almost everyone.
Even a small amount of exercise every week can help you handle your anxieties much more effectively. Here are some tips to help you get started on your way to a healthier life with less stress.

Before you start exercising, think about the type of workout that would be the most fun for you. The more you enjoy exercising, the more likely you'll stick with it. For example, you could try walking several times a week through your neighborhood or on a trail at the park. If you think exercising with others would be fun, you might enjoy team sports or aerobics.

Telling yourself "I'll start tomorrow" or "Next week I'll sign up", is a sure way to keep from getting started. Listen to the little voice inside telling you to get off your butt and do something. When you find an exercise that appeals to you, you'll have more fun with it. Your new activity will provide you with something to look forward to, and your body will thank you for the exercise. Moreover, you may make some great friends at the same time. For the singles looking for romance, gyms are the greatest place to meet since everyone shares the same passion: exercising.

Exercise has numerous benefits, besides picking up women at gyms. It will provide you with more energy and self-confidence as well. The good news is you do not need to overdo it to get these results. In fact, the old myth of "no pain, no gain" is all wrong. Today's scientists have proven that big improvements in fitness come from moderate exercise. I guess bodybuilders have already closed this book at this point and fed it to the garbage can. For these extremists, pain in resistance training is necessary to gain the necessary muscle to be a Mr. Olympia caliber. However, for the 99.9% of the rest of the population, having muscles coming out of our ears is not a priority. We are doing it for health reasons, not for narcissism.

If these few TIPS aren't enough to send you to a gym near you, here are other reasons why a moderate exercise routine will give you great results.

o Muscles get fit gradually: Your muscles do not get fit overnight. It takes time to develop well-toned muscles. If you push too hard, your muscles will let you know. The next day you will be stiff and sore. After a few days of suffering, you will rethink your decision of getting into shape quickly. So, don't look for results right away. Just know that you will see them as you continue with a consistent, healthy routine. It takes years to develop a great body. Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

o Your heart can be stressed

Exercise does not have to hurt in order for your body and heart to become stronger. In fact, if you do feel pain while exercising, you should slow down because your heart rate is probably too high, which could be dangerous. Never ignore your body when it is telling you something is wrong. The goal of getting fit is accomplished through healthy means.

o Your body speaks to you

Pain is your body's way of warning you that you are damaging it. However, you will have to differentiate good and bad pain. You will have to endure some pain during your workout. This pain is essential for growth. Lactic acid goes through your muscle and this is where the pain comes from. This is the good pain. However, if you feel uncomfortable pain, you will need to stop and examine why you are feeling this way. It is quite possible that you are overextending muscle groups to the point of injury. Make sure not to push your workout to a bodybuilder extreme. They can handle a lot more pain than normal human beings. I wonder if they actually are humans!
By taking just a few precautions while exercising, you can make your workout a great time of achievement. When you have gotten fit the stress-free way, you will develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

You know that you ought to exercise. You've read about all the benefits it can bring. The problem is that although you have every good intention of working out, you often let it slide. All of us need some motivation to do it. Although you may be out of the fitness spirit right now, these tips can help to increase your desire to exercise. Maybe you have trouble remembering to workout. Create motivational notes for yourself, conveniently placing them where you are sure to see them. Maybe you are trying to get in shape so you can fit into your favorite outfit. As a motivation to keep going, hang up a picture of that outfit so you can be reminded of your goal. Use anything that encourages you to make your way to looking and feeling great.

Let your friends know that you are striving to get in better shape. Get them to participate in your workout as well. A training partner can encourage you to reach further. I guess ego has something to do with it. You will both push yourselves until you reach your goals.

As you exercise, you will begin to feel more pleased with yourself. When you experience success in one part of your life, you will feel more confident in other areas. This is a good time to think about taking charge of your smoking habit. Not only will your exercise routine be easier if you don't smoke, but you may also find that your cravings for a cigarette lessen as your body gets healthier.

Don't get discouraged if you miss a workout session. It happens to everyone. The important thing is not to have a perfect record, but to get back on track again when you miss a workout. Missing one session does not mean you can't make up for it. Double up the following week or stay a little longer the next time you work out.

Some say it's easy to lose weight - you stop eating your favorite foods and drop five or ten pounds. This will go well for about a week, until a friend asks you to go get a snack with her. You want to be polite so you agree and plan to just buy a drink. But when you see her rich ice cream sundae, you give in and think, "Just this once." Eating it makes you feel guilty, but you also remember just how much you've been missing. Again, you slip back into your old ways. Within several weeks, you're back to where you started. It's all about self-control. You can eat whatever you want with moderation. If you eat the ice cream, make sure to go to the gym and burn the calories. You'll remember the next time that when you are in the mood to eat ice cream sundae, you will have to run on the treadmill for a couple of hours. Now, is it really worth it?
Here are a few other tips to help you keep those pounds off for good.

o Be smart:

Most Americans consume too much fat (including the Atkins method) in their diets. It is best to get no more than thirty percent of your calories from fat, which is following the Food Guide Pyramid. Avoid eating lots of red meats and fast foods. Saturated and Trans fat are a precursor to heart disease. Make sure you consume good fat (Omega III).

Be aware of the times when you are most likely to eat junk food loaded with calories and fat. It is possible that you will want to give up something you enjoy, such as drinking soda - not because it is causing you to gain weight, but because you find yourself eating a bag of chips or a candy bar every time you grab a can of soda. By making minor sacrifices, you will reap the rewards of looking and feeling great.

o The long haul

When you start to lose weight, don't just plan to lose weight so you can be in shape for the summer. Make it a long-term decision. Yo-yo dieting can be very stressful. While you are rapidly losing fat, you are also getting rid of muscle. Unfortunately, when you get that weight back, you gain mostly fat. Stop this cycle and determine to get your eating habits on track. If you do decide to use a low calorie diet method to lose the weight, make sure you get your protein supplement. You will need to avoid losing muscle mass, while still losing fat. This is the goal. Whey protein is the best supplement available on the market.

o Don't say 'No' every time. Enjoy your life and the food you eat.

It is not realistic to give up all the foods you enjoy. If you are going to splurge at your favorite restaurant for dinner, be sure to prepare for it by eating fruits and vegetables for lunch.

You will find your stress over dieting will begin to diminish as you put these tips into practice. You will feel great about yourself as you begin to get fit and live a healthy life.

Dan Amzallag

Mission Possible: Eat MORE 2 LOSE more: Combating obesity epidemic in America


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