Thursday, September 29, 2011

Yoga and Diet For Prostate Health - A Comprehensive Guide to a Healthier Prostate

A comprehensive guide to a healthier prostate.

The Prostate Gland is a bloke thing. It is one of the organs in the urinary and reproductive system of the body. It is a male sex gland made up of a cluster of smaller glands which surround the urethra and a portion of the bladder. It's to be taken seriously fellas.

This mysterious gland is small, doughnut shaped, and situated at the base of the bladder. It causes more grief to men than just about any other part of their bodies, and prostate cancer will soon be the major killer of men in Australia. Although approximately 50% of Australian men may experience some type of prostate problem at some stage of their lives, until it plays up, men rarely give their prostate a second thought - not a good idea.

Its main function is during the sexual act - when ejaculation occurs, it secretes an alkaline fluid that forms part of the semen. This fluid nourishes and provides volume to the semen, along with other seminal fluids.

Walnut sized in young men, enlargement of the prostate is common in men over 50 and approximately 4 in 10 men over the age of 60 have it. Enlargement occurs when the glands and connective tissues surrounding the urethra thicken and block urine flow.

Prostate Enlargement Causes -

1. Ageing. As the body ages, harmless nodules develop in the tissues of the prostate, which accumulate and gradually enlarge the gland. Eventually the gland becomes large enough to 'press' or 'strangle' the urethra and obstruct urination.

2. Low levels of zinc. The tissues of the prostate gland normally have high levels of zinc. Zinc levels gradually decrease as you grow older.

3. Over 50 testosterone levels start decreasing. This causes an increase in the quantity of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which over-produces prostate cells.

4. Postural faults and obesity could also affect prostate health. A heavy body and lengthy periods of sitting put more pressure on the pelvic region and perineum, resulting in congestion in and around the prostate.

5. Constipation can also be a cause. Hardened faeces and an overloaded rectum cause excessive pressure on the prostate gland.

Prostate problem symptoms -

1. The obvious one is difficulty in passing urine. This is due to compression of the urethra by the prostate blocking the flow. You may strain or have to wait a while before being able to go.

2. A weak flow of urine starts, and then stops. The stream is narrower and less powerful.

3. Involuntary leakage - there may be a tendency to dribble urine, much like incontinence.

4. One may find it difficult to stop urination once it has started.

5. You visit the bathroom more often. There may be a frequent need or urge to urinate 2 or 3 times nightly, as well as during the day.

6. Even after passing urine, you're still left with the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

7. Due to prolonged obstruction, the small veins in the bladder and urethra stretch. When you strain to urinate, the veins may burst, causing blood to enter the urine. Due to this, painful urination, called Dysuria, may occur.

8. There could be a mild pain in the lower back, hips and legs and occasional impotency.

Basically, symptoms are very similar to those experienced by women who have weak pelvic floor muscles. Both reflect a weakness in the muscles around the genitals, bladder and reproductive organs as well as a weakness around the perineum or Root Chakra/Mulabhanda.

Diet & vitamins support -

The importance of the trace mineral zinc in maintaining prostate health is paramount. Zinc is essential for prostate gland and male hormone function. It is known as the 'male mineral' and is required to produce sperm and seminal fluid. A deficiency may cause impotency and infertility.

It has now been well established that there is a link between prostate health and the zinc content in prostate tissue.

Diet guide -

o Maintain a low-fat diet and watch your cholesterol levels.

o Include Omega-6 and Omega-3's that help regulate nervous system function.

o Bake, steam, stir-fry or make salads instead of deep-frying.

o Choose low-fat over full-cream milk and make it organic if possible.

o Avoid fat-filled salad dressings and rich sauces that agitate the liver and heart.

o Drink eight glasses of water daily - Green Tea is also beneficial for the prostate.

o Increase your daily intake of fibrous foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, particularly red and red-orange ones, and increase your Vitamin C, A, B6, E, cod liver oil and flaxseed oils.

o Check whether your intake of Vitamin D is adequate - this includes down-time to rest in the sun and allow your mind to unravel with meditation, music or power-naps to help reduce your stress levels. Stress is a major contributor to imbalances on all levels of being (body, mind, emotional and spiritual).

o Avoid spicy (in Yogic Ayurvedic terms these are called 'rajasic') foods that can increase body heat, digestive fire and agitate emotions.

o Watermelon seeds have natural diuretic properties which help prevent excess build-up of urine.

o Avoid or minimize alcohol intake. Try not drinking for a few days and then reintroduce it. After just a day you should notice whether it makes the urine symptoms better or worse. This is because alcohol constricts the bladder neck, and hampers urination that can lead to a restless mind and body.

o Avoid decongestants and antihistamines that alter the body's natural elimination process.

o Avoid smoking and smoky environments. There is some evidence that (as well as all the other negative health results!); cigarette smoking indirectly affects the size of the enlarging prostate. This could be because constricted blood vessels throughout the body affect how much oxygen and nutrient rich blood flows to the organs and extremities.

o Avoid coffee, tea, caffeinated soft drinks and chocolate. Some men find that prostate problems are made worse with caffeine because the neck of the bladder is constricted by increased caffeine levels. Again, try the elimination approach.

o Include zinc in your diet: zinc has been shown to improve urinary symptoms and reduce the size of the prostate, and can therefore be effective in preventing and reversing prostate enlargement. Vegetables high in zinc include dried beans, garbanzos, black-eyed peas, lentils, peas, beets, cabbage and whole grains. Additionally, pumpkin seeds, oats, whole wheat and rye.

* Add Selenium, Evening Primrose Oil and the Amino Acids daily - glutamine, alanine and lysine in particular - to maintain healthy cardiovascular and nervous system function.

How Yoga can help -

Yoga connects all systems and energies throughout the body and enhances blood quality, respiratory function, regulates hormone production and flow, digestion and elimination, as well as helping balance and calm the mind and emotions. Yoga can strengthen, release and balance simultaneously, and give men the mental challenges they need depending on the sequences, agility and focus needed. Poor circulation can exacerbate prostate issues. Regular yoga practice can increase blood flow, deepen the breath and release neuro-muscular knots to tone and nourish all cells, organs, joints and tissues. Any congestion or blocked prana/chi/energy will then disperse to restore wellbeing so we feel more aligned, more as nature intended.

Yoga also helps give men a sense of exertion with calmness rather than agitating their systems. This is particularly good because it allows men to connect with their softer side and explore aspects of their emotions that they may not necessarily do in a power aerobic or boxing class - without having to sacrifice or subdue their masculinity! Men can learn to acknowledge and appreciate their inner voice by being on the mat, and after time, may even begin to explore and express what is inside more often, and with more confidence.

Yoga is about creating unity between your mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual selves - the physical benefits are just a bonus. Asana (postures) is what we do in order to sit and meditate comfortably with a still, undistracted mind. It's not about being a flexible pretzel or proving how much longer you can hold a pose than the person beside you - something men especially tend to forget when the voices of competition and ego bark loudly in their ears!

By bringing particular awareness to the perineum or Root Lock/Base Chakra that governs instincts, behavior, confidence and blood quality, prostate symptoms, and the sense of feeling unsupported, may be relieved. Once awareness is established, you then work into strengthening and governing energy through the Base Chakra which will restore power through the spine and help men assert their masculinity in a confident yet calm way.

Here are 6 great Yoga postures (safe for beginners) that will improve prostate health -

1. Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) - increases blood supply to the pelvis, kidneys, prostate and bladder, and brings awareness and energy into Mulabhanda/Root Lock.

* Sit upright on a blanket with soles of feet together, knees wide. Interlace fingers around outer edge of toes, focus on lengthening the spine and lifting the chest on each inhalation, and relaxing shoulders and tailbone downwards on each exhalation. Do against a wall for support if difficult. Draw energy up through your perineum (small point between anus and genitals) as you breathe to contact Mulabhanda. Engage abdominals slightly and lift through the spine to stimulate and cleanse digestive and reproductive organs.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) - strengthens the arms & legs, lengthens the spine, opens the chest and lungs and strengthens the heart. An excellent all-rounder pose!

* Start on all fours, hands under shoulders with fingers spread, knees under hips, toes tucked under. Exhale and lift buttocks up as you move your chest back towards your thighs as the legs straighten. Neck is relaxed, ears in line with upper arms, keep knees bent if hamstrings and lower back tight. Hold and breathe as you press down firmly into all knuckles of the hands and lift kneecaps into thighs whilst drawing heels to the floor. No tension in the face. Keep abdominals active and broaden across the chest, moving the armpits towards each other. Rest in child's' pose, head to mat, arms down by your side and buttocks on heels for a few breaths after.

3. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose Variation) - knees bent with feet pointing up to ceiling - this variation contacts the kidneys more deeply and helps with hormonal flow. Also helps to stimulate production of all male hormonal fluids by directly stimulating the bladder, kidneys and sex glands.

* Lay on your belly, hands beside chest with fingers spread, forehead down. Legs hip width apart, start to press pubic bone and tops of legs and feet into the mat and draw shoulders down from ears and elbows in towards each other. Inhale and slowly lift chest off mat, keeping arms close to ribs with elbows bent and shoulders down. Hold where comfortable for a few breaths and press pubic bone, navel and legs firmly into mat. Don't come up so high that your back jams or your arms straighten. Look to floor so neck stays long and expand chest and lungs as you lengthen your spine from pubic bone to crown. Rest with head to one side after, arms by side and legs relaxed.

4. Supta Padangusthasana - (Reclining Big Toe Pose) - relieves backache, stretches hips and hamstrings and opens the lower back so energy can flow along the kidneys and through bladder meridians.

* Lie on your back, bend one knee to chest and other leg stays long, feet flexed. Place strap around ball of bent leg foot and straighten upwards. Keep shoulders relaxed and arms straight, chin drawn to throat gently. Hold and breathe, feeling the hamstring/achilles and belly connection. When you exhale press the waist to the mat and lengthen further through both legs. Raised leg does not need to be vertical but it does need to be straight. Hold for a few breaths then release and swap sides.

5. Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose) - tones the kidneys, abdominals and strengthens the lower back. Keep feet on floor or hug knees to chest as you balance to switch belly on.

* Sit on your buttocks and hug knees to chest. Start to balance on your sitting bones and lift your toes off the floor, feeling your belly engage. Gradually begin to lift your feet with shins parallel to the floor, feet flexed, leaning back 30-40 degrees and lift the chest, arms reaching out to the feet and parallel to the floor as well. Keep breathing, working the Mulabhanda and drawing all your strength into your centre. Hug knees to chest after a few breaths.

6. Virasana (Seated Hero Pose) - Meditate in this position to finish your practice. Excellent for calming and centering the mind and digestive fire. Focus on drawing up Mulabhanda. Alternative is Savasana (Corpse Pose) for mediation.

* Lay on your back, legs long, arms by your side and head supported with a blanket if need to. Rolled blanket under your knees and an eyebag or cover over the eyes. Relax completely and focus on your breath, releasing all joints, muscles, organs and then the skin, to the earth in surrender and peace. Stay for at least 5 minutes and then roll to your side and curl up in a ball before coming up and finishing.

Practice daily, 20 minutes should suffice, gradually build up to longer by holding poses for more breaths, and pay attention to your breathing, how you feed yourself and what you choose to hold onto in life. Only stretch within a range of motion that is free of sharp pain.

The best time to meditate is after your asanas, on an empty stomach, and preferably at sunrise or sunset.

In summary it's no surprise that in the West we experience some of the highest statistics for prostate (and breast) cancers. Why? For me, perhaps we place too much emphasis on the body and associated material paraphernalia, when instead we could be focusing on connecting and honoring, not only our own spirit and potential, but each other's as well. Maybe if we reversed our thoughts and began living from a positive space more often, stopped to feel and appreciate the earth beneath our feet, an earth that gives us what we need, we could reduce those statistics and replace them with high self-esteem, vitality and chronic happiness! Are we brave enough to imagine, let alone create, such a world?

It all starts with us as individuals and that is why yoga is such an effective therapy. On our mats we are all equal, we all have the same bodies, we feel the same sensations and we recognize our failings and triumphs in the person practicing beside us. Yoga makes us feel, breathe and embrace. It makes us laugh at ourselves (something I think we don't do enough of) and ignites our compassionate, human nature. And with that kind of power burning inside of you, dis-ease will have a hard time staying alight.

Conventional treatment -

If you think you have prostate problems, don't assume you do, it's very important to have it checked out by your GP. A digital rectal exam (DRE) and, or urine and blood tests, will confirm whether or not you have Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or other prostate problems, and an ultra-sound test can be done to check for prostate cancer.

Denby Sheather is Yoga specialist for []

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Does My Stomach Hurt? The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Stomach Always Hurts

Do you frequently wonder "why does my stomach hurt"? If so then today I'll provide the top 3 reasons for why your stomach always hurts or why you experience chronic stomach pain and what you can start doing today to begin correcting this condition that requires serious attention.

3 Reasons for Chronic Pain

#1 - Lack of Stomach Acid: That's right a lack of stomach acid is always the problem, rarely do people produce too much and have problems as a result. With a lack of this acid, stomach ulcers are more frequent, bacteria that would otherwise be destroyed on consumed food is allowed to pass through and infect the body such as H.Pylori. As well a lack of acid frequently leads to a condition known as candida overgrowth which I'll discuss in a second.

#2 - Improper Chewing/Too much liquid: When you eat too quickly and fail to chew your food well enough you place extra stress on your stomach to do all the added work. It's even worse if you don't chew your food (ideally until paste like consistency), you suffer from low stomach acid & you drink liquids with your meals which will only dilute your stomach acid further. The solution to which is to stop doing all of these things. Chew your food to a paste, don't drink any more than 1 glass of water over the course of 30 min before a meal and 2 hours afterwards.

#3 - Chronic Candida: This is a yeast that thrives inside anyone with low stomach acid, ironically it can cause a great deal of digestive pain which most people mistake for stomach pain. You see your stomach is actually much higher in your chest, odds are you're feeling pain a little lower in your intestines, this is exactly where candida does all its damage. The list of symptoms it causes is endless, however the most common associated symptom is digestive pain which is caused by the fermentation and growth of the yeast inside your body. If you also experience gas &/or bloating as well then the odds are great that it's candida causing your problems.

The first step is to learn about candida, fill out a quick questionnaire to see if it's the cause of your problems and learn the first thing you need to do in order to eliminate it for good!

Candida Makes you Feel Stomach Pain! Take our FREE Candida Test and Find Out How to Eliminate Stomach Pain Naturally!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Choose Your Hairstyle - Hairstyles for Work, Play and a Night Out

It has long been known that the proper hair style for each occasion in your life is an important part of your impression on others. Having the perfect long hairstyles or short hairstyles can be the key to looking your best. Not only do you need to have the right long hairstyle or short hairstyle for your face shape, but matching your hairstyle to a night out on the town or a day at work should always be on your mind. Whether you're playing in a tournament or walking the dog on a sunny afternoon, you have a choice between many long hairstyle and short hairstyles.

If you have long hair and find yourself putting it up in a bun or ponytail most of the time, you might need some hairstyle advice. Long hairstyles can be tricky if you don't know what you are doing. This is especially true if you have long and curly hair. I keep my long, curly hair detangled and unfrizzy with the line of Curly Hair Solutions products. Before I style my hair for a night out or day shopping with friends, I use my Curly Hair Solutions products. After using my Curly Hair solutions silk shampoo and conditioner, I like to use their Slip Detangler to loosen knots and eliminate fly-away hair. The line of Curly Hair Solutions products also includes a product called Re-Mane Straight that assists in straightening hair while blow-drying. It seals the hair cuticle and protects the hair from heat and stretching.

One of the great long hairstyles I like to use whether I'm going to work or going out for the night is the half-up and half-down style. You will need a high quality clip or hair tie. For night time, I like to use an embellished clip that will sparkle against my hair. During the day, I use simple hair elastic that is the same color as my hair. You will need to separate the top section of your hair from the bottom, using your ears as a guide. You can gather the hair at the back, or you can brush the hair from front to back, making it smooth. Either way, fasten your hair with the clip or elastic and you are ready for action. Many hair stylists list this as one of their easiest of long hairstyles.

Another option in the many long hairstyles offered is a fancy ponytail. This entails fastening the hair at the nape of the neck, not the top. You can fasten your hair loosely with a fancy elastic or hair tie or even a sash. I often use a neckerchief in a vibrant color to add flair. This hairstyle is classy, but can be fun with the right accessory.

Many women think that short hairstyles have to be boring. Yet again, the use of the right accessory is important. Short hairstyles are difficult because there is not much hair to work with. Whether your hair is curly or straight, you can use a great headband to accent your hair. Headbands are more popular than ever and come in a variety of styles, including leather and silk. Even though I have long hair, I like to wear a silk headband or head scarf to keep my hair out of my eyes, but to also add definition and interest to my hair. The perfect accessory can make the difference between moussey brown hair and the wow factor. Many women are frightened of using accessories because they think that they will be too flashy. This is exactly the opposite. A great accessory such as a head scarf, clip or embellished comb can add an amazing amount of glamour to both short hairstyles and long hairstyles. Don't limit your imagination when it comes to short hairstyles or long hairstyles. Go for it!

Go to Curly Hair Solutions for more information about their hair care products. For more beauty tips, go to

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Trolling For Bluefin Tuna

Over the years there have been countless occasions when prospective anglers have approached me at the dock in Ocean City, MD for tips as to where and how to catch bluefin tuna. Tournament time aside I typically share the information hoping that anglers will return the favor in the future. For the first time in print I am sharing many of details that are critical to one's success when fishing for bluefin tuna.

WHERE: There is no single answer to this question because from week to week and certainly season to season in Ocean City, MD the answer changes. For the most part the bluefin migrate through the same Ocean City, MD areas each year. How long they stay is anyone's guess and depends primarily on the amount of baitfish and sand eels present. Off the coast of Ocean City the fish typically hang near the bottom beneath the thermocline on structured mounds like the hambone, chicken bone and hot dog lumps unless enticed upwards by bait.

TACKLE: We recommend 80 wide 2 speed reels with 100 pound test monofilament line or a combimation of monofilament line and braided backing. We recommend that you set the drag at strike to 24 pounds using a drag scale. Also take a piece of tape and mark where the drag meets 14 pounds. We recommend a trolling rod at least 7 feet in length which ensures it will extend over the transom when placed in the fighting chair gimbal. We recommend using oversized guides, such as Aftco big foot guides, to ensure wind on swivels pass easily through the guides and stripper. We recommend 200 pound wind on Spro swivels not the heavy duty version but the regular barrel swivel as the heavy duty version has been known to cut leaders. We recommend a 20 foot 130 pound flurocarbon leader. If your not inclined to pony up the extra dollars for the flourocarbon then our second choice is momoi white diamond unless of course your looking to set a IGFA line class record. When assembling the leader do not tie knots but rather crimp all connections. On the terminal side create 2 offshore loops, one on the main line and one on the leader. Cinch the offshore loops tight enough such that the loop is no larger than the diameter of your wind on swivel. Use 2 crimps on each side leaving 2 inches in between crimps to ensure the line can bend across the roller guides. On the hook end also use a least 1 crimp with chafing gear and a 3/4 ounce chin weight. We recommend a 10/0 Oner Jobu hook as they won't rust,bend or break. As for the lure we use 2oz tuna busters made by carolina lures. Our favorite is blue and white with a white head although pink and white and pink and blue also work well. For bait we use a horse or super horse ballythoo that have been brined, limbered, and had their eyeballs removed. We use malin rigging wire to secure the hook and close the ballyhoo's mouth preventing wash outs.

HOW: Now your ready to deploy and here's where it get's interesting. You want to send your baits back a minimum of 300 yards. Yes that's right 300 yards not feet. We call this WWB way way back fishing and this is the secret to catching bluefin as over the years the bluefin tuna in Ocean City, MD have become boat shy. Don't even waste time deploying flat lines and short rigger lines. 2 outside rigger lines at 300 yards, a shotgun at 240 yards and subsurface planner rod also around 300 yards will be plenty. When you put the rod in the holder do not set it at strike but rather set it to14 pounds using the pre-marked tape. Why? Because given the decreased diameter of the spool the drag at 300 yards behind your boat is closer to 36 lbs than 24. Only after the fish has completed its first run should you place the lever at strike. The appropriate boat speed is anywhere between 4.5 and 5.5 knots depending on sea conditions, current and boat direction. Once the fish is close to the boat ease off on the drag slightly. When gaffing the fish be sure to gaff it in the head. Also be sure to ice and bleed any fish you plan to keep. For more information please check out our fishing reports and web site links below.

Tight Lines,

Captain Greg
Ocean City Fishing Report
Reel Addiction Charters LLC

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How to Catch Giant Pike - Understanding Mid Summer Pike - Dog Days Can Be Hog Days

Mid summer is the most misunderstood time for catching giant Pike. Armed with the correct information in your ever increasing arsenal of fishing knowledge you can make the so called "dog days" the most productive time of year for truly monster size pike.

Please remember I'm intending for everyone from novice to expert to gain a better understanding of the how and why of midsummer pike fishing.

As a guide, when I have new guests I hope that I'll have the opportunity to speak with them ahead of time to discuss their level of skill and preference in fishing methods. Usually it is simply "we want to catch big pike or bigger pike or giant pike" this is of course just fine with me.

Each morning while I'm waiting for my guests to arrive at the dock I make sure that the boat is clean and organized. As my guests arrive I inspect their equipment as I help load it into the boat and organize it. Keeping the boat organized is important to a safe days outing. Many potential problems can be avoided by maintaining a safe "working" area. I'll recommend placing rods in positions that prevent injury and keep the rods from falling around which is harmful to the equipment and potentially to the people in the boat. In a skiff with bench seats I always lay rods along the side of the boat. I place the reels ahead of the bench. This way when the boat vibrates over waves the rods will not fall. Placing the reels on the floor and rods leaning on an angle is just a mess waiting to happen.
I usually suggest retying knots if they have fished the previous day. I will suggest this again several times through out the day.

Let's start with the dreaded Post Cold Front
Now it is mid summer and let's add a mile high sky 24 -48 hours after a cold front. We know that 24-48 hours after a cold front passes the pike fishing will be slow - right? Usually I will suggest walleye fishing out on some mid lake humps for a few hours. This is usually me with wide-eyed stares "what the pike guy wants to catch sissy walleye?" This is followed by grumbling or plane outrage. If I am allowed I will use my sonar unit (a Lowrance x15 - great unit) to search for pike suspended off the sides of these mid lake humps. We'll use jigs tipped with minnows and fish exactly as we would if attempting to catch walleye. In fact we will catch plenty of walleye. Although I will intentionally move away from the sweet spots on that piece of structure if we are catching walleye too quickly especially if they are up off the bottom and hitting very lightly. If a big pike is active on a spot the walleye will be laying right on bottom. If the walleye are on bottom but are biting aggressively I deduce that there is plenty of food for the pike. If the walleye are up off the bottom 2-3 feet then an active big pike is not likely at work at that sweet spot at that particular time. At these times it is very likely to have a pike grab a walleye as it is retrieved.

I've learned to recognize big pike on my graph. The most active ones are 1-5 feet off bottom. When I spot an active pike I'll hold the boat over top of it and jig for walleye. I will have my guests vary their jigs depth from 0 to 9 feet off bottom. Very often we'll catch a large pike while we are doing this. I prefer to take this approach for several reasons. First I will want some walleye for shore lunch. Second, as we all know, big pike keep bankers hours and prime time is from 10 -4. (Except during a new moon when sunrise and sunset can be dynamite). Third and most importantly is that this method catches lots of giant pike.
Quite often I'll have 4 or more clients and they will follow in a second or third boat.

If I take this approach and we do not catch any big pike within an hour the boats that are following often start to give up on me and leave. More than once I've heard those departing mention something to the effect of "I guess all those big fish he caught on TV were fake." Those boats will venture off and likely find a shallow bay and catch a bunch of hammer handles and maybe even a few decent 30-inch fish maybe even a 40. At days end they'll return with stories of their catch and I am genuinely happy for them. Then the guests in my boat tell them about the fish that they caught. At this time of year Big Pike Do Not Mix with little pike. There are always exceptions to every rule. However in general if you are catching a bunch of hammer handles the your odds are very unlikely that you will catch many large pike in that area at that time.

Pull them off the shallows
While we are working this hump I will have my guests take long casts up onto the shallowest part of the structure. I especially like humps, which top out at 4-5 feet and have some cabbage and or boulders strewn about. I know exactly where to have my guests cast because I have pre scouted the area and marked it with a small dark marker buoy. You have also done this - correct? I'll have them use rattle traps which will catch plenty of pike up to 36 inches but not many over 40 inches. I also have them use Suicks, long minnow baits like Cisco Kids and shallow diving Rapalas. We'll even work it over with spinner baits and spoons. In most cases the Suicks will catch the largest pike. Do not drive over the shallowest part of the structure. This is where your most active pike will move up to feed. In your prescouting you likely noticed that you could catch a lot of small walleye and perch at this spot. This shallow spot will often have a variance in bottom make up. For example if your hump rises out of 20 - 30 feet of water and has a large flat maybe 200 yards by 80 yards wide and that flat is 8 to 10 feet deep and composed mostly of sand. Look for an area where it reaches up to 4 or 5 feet and the bottom is made up of rock. Or if there is a patch of cabbage in the vicinity that's even better. In short look for anything different, something for the pike to use as an ambush site.

Pull them out of the deep
One effective method is to position the boat on the edge of the drop in 10 feet of water. Use an 8-inch paddle tail shad on a one-ounce jig. Make long casts into the deep water. Let the jig drop to the bottom then swim it up the side of the hill. If I don't catch them on the retrieve I'll keep an eye on my graph. If I spot a big pike below I'll start jigging again. This is effective on big pike and big walleye.

Remember the Edges
As the day wears on and more pike become active you will catch pike in other places across the flat especially on the edges. The primary edge, secondary edge where it drops into deep water, the weed line edge, mud bottom to sand bottom edge, etc. You have undoubtedly recognized by now that the "edges" are key feeding spots for fish of all kinds and the Giant Pike who eat them.

When fishing tough situations like post cold front and lakes with less than great numbers of trophy pike you have to "know " that you are on the right spot. Years of experience have taught me that nothing replaces years of experience. Articles such as this help and give you a starting point in your search for more and more knowledge. What I'm hoping to do is point you in the right direction. And that is not toward those hammer handles in the shallow bays.

Of course the mid lake humps are just one location.

Be sure to read Midwest Outdoors next month, I'll discuss Cabbage beds, share how to make inexpensive marker buoys and dispel some of the pike fishing myths in part two of Mid Summer Pike.
If you have specific questions about How to Catch Giant Pike or would like a copy of my 2 hour DVD "How To Catch Giant Pike Two", email me at I will do my best to answer your questions. Visit click on the articles section for articles on other methods and times for catching Giant Pike.

Until the next issue - tight lines. Kevin Geary

Kevin is the past Producer/Host of Outdoor Encounter TV Series, Producer of the 2-hour video How To Catch Giant Pike, Camp owner and Fishing Guide. Kevin has caught more than 3000 Pike over 40 inches and is considered an authority on modern freshwater Pike fishing.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Massage Stick - Is It Just Another Gimmick?

The massage stick, WHAT IS IT?

At first glance, the massage stick seems like an odd piece of essential gear for athletes. It looks like a cross between the typical rolling pin your grandmother may have used and some sort of Oriental Kung Fu weapon. To the uninitiated, it is a rod of hard space-age plastic with grooved handles on each end and independent spindles. In a sense it is a rolling pin but rather than reshaping dough, the massage stick is designed to knead, roll and manipulate the sore muscles that all runners experience.


There are at least 10 different models of the massage stick, with three of the most popular models for sale here. They include the Original, Marathon and the Sprinter stick. It works on sore & tired muscles as a tool to prevent injuries. Sore and tight muscles are at the root of most muscular injuries. After long, hard workouts, muscles can not knot up in clusters of excessive lactic acid and other waste products. Ideally, a massage specialist could knead out these sore spots and while I am a Massage Therapist and would love for you to come and see me on a daily basis, few of us (including me) can afford a daily or weekly massage.


By rolling the massage stick over these tired, overworked muscles after exercise, it removes lactic acid build up and reduces pain and soreness through this form of self-massage. Doing so also allows for quicker recovery because this form of self-massage reduces some of the tightness and allows for better blood flow which helps the body heal itself faster. It's easy to use and the price of the different models vary from $80 on down. It's waterproof and comes with a 90-day customer satisfaction guarantee and a lifetime warranty which is somewhat superfluous since they can't break. To use The massage stick, simply get on the floor, grip each handle and massage your tired leg muscles by rolling them with The massage stick. Do this slowly and with enough force so that it actually rolls and kneads the muscles. The massage stick works best when there isn't anything between it and the muscles so if you were wearing tights or sweatpants while exercising, remove them first before using The massage stick.


While there isn't any single best way to use the massage stick, a good routine begins by rolling the bottom of the feet to prevent plantar fascia soreness, then, while sitting up, roll the calf muscles and soleus. Work your way up the torso and go deep into the quadriceps and hip flexors muscles. These are usually quite tender after a long, hard run, but since the muscles are so thick, you can exert plenty of pressure as you roll back and forth. Finally, comes the hamstrings. These, too, are often sore and tight from exercise. Lie on your back and roll back and forth along the entire hamstring muscles. Go slowly, but deep. But don't go too deep that it becomes painful. If it does, back off. You can also massage your lower back by bringing The massage stick behind you at your buttocks, but it's difficult to go very high on the spine without some assistance. For an effective massage, get into a child's pose with your head touching the floor and your spine rolled downward. Have a friend roll your spine with The massage stick.


Like any massage, you will feel some pain during self massage. However, work within your own limits. A good scale to keep to is 6-8 out of 10. You may experience some residual soreness the following day after using The massage stick for the first time. That's normal. But you will quickly grow accustomed to it and find the right pressure for you. Make it a part of your daily post-exercise stretching routine and it will pay off with more flexible, pliant muscles, quicker recovery and fewer injuries.

Where can I get one?

You will want to have a look at the three most popular Massage Sticks for sale on my website.

Pat Rae is a Health Wellness and Life Performance Coach, a qualified Personal Trainer, a mentor to Personal Trainers, a professional Public Speaker, a freestyle cycle instructor, a Rugby Union Referee Coach, a budding Massage Therapist, and a Dog Trainer. You can check out my blog at

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Steamy Bestsellers Of Romance Books

One of the books at the top of the best selling lists is No Mercy, a novel by Sherrilyn Kenyon, an author who has taken on the number one best seller spot nearly twelve times. Her current novel is about an immortal Amazon warrior named Samia who is living in contemporary New Orleans. She works with Dev Peltier, a shape shifter who guards the Sanctuary for nearly two centuries and believes that he has seen it all. But now, both of them are faced with a destructive force that threatens the very fabric of mankind and both must withstand this hellish force before it destroys the universe and obliterates all life forever. This exciting book is gripping and will have you unable to put it down as you yearn to find out what happens in the end.

If you like love stories that are filled with letters and passion, you will love Debbie Macomber's 1022 Evergreen Place, a novel that presents many letters presented by Mary Jo Wyse, a woman who has a daughter and is falling in love with a man named Mach. She is a woman with a bad history of romance and stumbles across old World War II letters written by a solider to a woman he loved, and the entire novel presents the life of Mary Jo Wyse through letters to the reader as well as the romantic WWII letters. If you love romance and timeless passion, this is the book for you.

Another novel that is taking the shelves by storm is by Nicholas Sparks, author of many beloved romance novels, this one being Safe Haven. This novel is about a woman named Katie with a troubled past who comes to a small town called Southport. She comes bearing burdens and grief and a sensation of something hunting her from behind. Then, she meets Alex, a widower who owns a store and with a gentle spirit who immediately makes her feel safe and protected. Now, as she falls madly in love with him, she fights the sensations of danger and fear that make her so reserved and cautious and must decide if she should keep on running from the past or finally settle in a safe haven. This book will evoke a sense of the power of love and make you believe in things that are great.

Another novel that is highly popular is one by romance author Nora Roberts, entitled The Search. This story circles around Fiona Bristow, a woman who seems to live the perfectly calm and content life with her dogs, working at an animal rescue shelter, and doing things that to the outside eye appear relaxed and enjoyable. But, actually, Fiona was the only woman who survived the Red Scarf serial killer, a fiend who killed her cop husband and his partner. Now, as Fiona is trying to recover from all of this, she meets Simon, a rugged, handsome, an secretive, moody artist who makes gorgeous furniture out of wood. Just as the two are falling madly in love, a copycat killer comes out of the woodwork ready to kill the woman that slipped from the original killer's hands. This thrilling story of love, murder, and fear will have you captivated.

Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for PoloMercantil

Friday, September 16, 2011

How To Stop Your Dog From Chewing

Chewing is an annoying but natural part of a puppy's development. It is very similar to teething in babies and the chewing stages are necessary to help with teething issues. Expecting a puppy to not chew is not reasonable, but they can be taught to chew the right thing, rather than your shoes and furniture. Adult dogs that chew often are bored or are suffering from a separation anxiety disorder. Usually the adult dogs that chew can be taught to curb their behavior or chew appropriately relatively easily. Some will require professional assistance from a trainer or dog behavior specialist.

Stages of growth

Puppies chew when they are teething. This usually occurs sometime before the six-month stage, depending on the specific breed of dog. Some of the larger breeds may continue chewing past the six-month stage and some breeds are just known for chewing behaviors. Regardless of the breed up to six months will be problematic for most puppies. There are several steps that owners can take to minimize the damage that may occur with chewing behaviors:

· Puppy proof your home. This means removing all hanging wires, electrical cords, curtain pulls and other dangling objects. Hanging plants that touch the ground can also be temping to chew on and can also be poisonous.

· Keep chewable items in drawers or out of the puppies reach. For example, toys, shoes, remote controls, books, backpacks and briefcases, telephones and even laptop computers need to put away or kept on tables or desks well out of the puppies reach.

· Provide a wide variety of chew toys while you are gone. This means different shapes and sizes. Thick pieces of cotton rope with knots in the ends are great for chewing on. Heavy rubber balls or Nylabone chew toys are safe and virtually indestructible.

· Freezing dog teething rings and leaving them in the crate or doggy area of the house provide relieve to the gums and entertainment as well.

If you notice the puppy chewing something that is not correct don't punish them. Simply say "No" and substitute what you want them to chew on. Praise them when they are chewing on the right things. Make sure you say something like "Good boy/girl for chewing on your ball (rope, toy, stick)". This helps the puppy learn the word for what he is chewing on. Later you will be able to say, "Get the ball/stick/rope" and the puppy will know what you mean.

Toys to avoid

Some toys, even those sold in pet stores, should never be used with a puppy. Toys that are flimsy or have many parts that can be chewed off pose choking hazards. Toys that have long strings or ropes that could become wrapped around the puppy's neck are potentially deadly toys.

Stuffed animals are appropriate for some older puppies and dogs but for younger puppies that are chewing constantly the stuffed toy will quickly be shredded. This leaves parts of cloth and the stuffing material that can be swallowed leading to gastrointestinal blockages and possible choking issues.

Natural bones, even raw bones, are not generally advised for puppies. They are usually too hard for the puppy teeth and lead to splintering and breakage of the existing teeth. In addition the puppies will be more likely to try to swallow any splinters and this can result in the bone splinters becoming lodged in the gums or the throat. If you do wish to allow your puppy to chew on bones be sure they are raw beef bones that are from a joint. Never allow your dog to eat pork bones and also never allow raw or cooked poultry bones of any kind. Supervise the puppy while he is chewing the bone and remove it at any sign of splintering or when the bone becomes small enough that the puppy might try to swallow it.

The chewing phase in puppies, like the teething phase in children, will pass. By taking a few precautions with your household items, supplying lots of alternative chewing toys and teaching your puppy what to chew on the stage will pass without any problems now or in the future.

Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at Oh My Dog Supplies - where you can find dog beds, dog steps, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear that you'll never find at your local pet store.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celtic Tattoos And The 8 Most Popular Designs

If you looking for a Celtic tattoo, here is a list of the 8 most popular designs. Choose a Celtic design that you like and the best one that corresponds your style and personality.

Is the most common and popular style of a Celtic tattoo and uses entwined patterns to represent the cycle of life and death. The knot works from certain geometric shapes which include triangles and circles and when combined, makes a trinity knot which symbolizes the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

-Cross Design
Are based on the Latin cross with a ring at the convergence of the horizontal and vertical lines. The Celtic cross has a vertical bar which represents the spiritual world, the earth represents the horizontal bar, and the ring stands for God's love of mankind.

-Tree Of Life
Similar to the cross in a sense, the tree of life represents a connection between heaven and earth. The tree roots grasp the earth and the branches reach out to the sky. The trunk serves as the meeting point of these two worlds.

Often called the love knot tattoo, the Celtic heart starts out with a line and represents the unity of souls and turns into a heart-shaped knot.

-Celtic Claddagh
The Claddagh includes a heart wearing a crown and is being held by two hands. The heart represents love, the hands friendship, and the crown represents loyalty.

-Spiral Designs
If you prefer a simple design with a special meaning, you might want to get a Celtic design with spiral patterns. The spirals make up continuous lines into complicated patterns and symbolize the immortality of love.

-Maze Designs
The Maze design represents the joy and challenges of life throughout ones journey. This is also called the key and steps pattern with the open and blocked paths standing for the opportunities and obstacles in a life.

-Celtic Animal Designs
It has always been believed by the Celts that animals play a role in harmony with nature. Here are some examples of these patterns:

Dragon=Magic and Power
Horse=Beauty, Rejuvenation, and Speed
Lion=Strength and Nobility
Snake=Fertility and Healing

Information like this will help you find Popular Celtic Tattoos and also find Celtic Designs

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Make a Turk's Head Knot With Paracord

A turk's head knot is a three strand braid that is worked into a continuous circle. It is commonly used as a decorative knot that is used to decorate a hiking staff or as a slide for a neckerchief. This tutorial will show you how to make a turk's head knot easily and quickly.

Tools & Supplies

You will need a piece of paracord, a mandrel (this can be a wooden dowel, pen or the item that you wish to decorate), a wood burning tool and a pair of scissors. To determine the amount of paracord that you will need, wrap the cord around the item that you wish to decorate four times.

Making the Turk's head Knot

STEP 1 - Find the center of the paracord with the mandrel.

STEP 2 - Complete the round turn.

STEP 3 - Wrap the right hand end so that it lies underneath the left hand end

STEP 4 - Continue with the right hand strand and cross over the first wrap.

STEP 5 - Now tuck the strand underneath the left hand strand.

STEP 6 - Lay the left hand strand over the second wrap and tuck under the first wrap.

STEP 7 - Turn the mandrel over so that you are looking at the back of the knot.

STEP 8 - Cross the top wrap over the bottom wrap

STEP 9 - Take the bottom strand and thread over the bottom wrap and under the top wrap.

STEP 10 - Take the top strand and thread it under the top wrap and have it pass over the bottom wrap. Now gently tighten the knot so that it looks even.

STEP 11 - Slide the knot off the mandrel and cut off the excess paracord. If you are putting a decorative knot on a staff, don't slide it off.

STEP 12 - Melt the ends of the paracord with the wood burning tool.

Karen Friesecke is the author of Doggie Stylish Blog a new blog dedicated to crafts and free projects for dogs. Please visit Turk's head Knot to see this tutorial, complete with pictures.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dress Designs - Cutting and Pattern Marking

Certain fabrics will be a greater challenge to cut than others. Leather, suede and fur are three of these. You will also need to know how to mark the pattern pieces when making your dress designs.


Leather and suede present special problems to the designer. To smooth out wrinkles, creases, and stretched out bumps - use a lukewarm iron (dry iron) on the wrong side and keep on pressing and gliding iron over it until the leather lies smooth. These materials have to be sewn with a larger stitch than usual. All the seams should be stay-stitched with tape to prevent pulling and cutting through the skin.

Both leather and suede come in the shape and size of the animal from which it is obtained. For full size garments larger sections have to be pieced, therefore your design will have to be well worked out in advance to take this into consideration and to have the lines of patching form an integral part of the design.

IMPORTANT - DO NOT PIN LEATHER OR SUEDE - Cut and fit your entire pattern accurately in muslin and after all alterations and fittings are as good as can be - use this muslin for your pattern in cutting out the suede or leather. Once your material is cut out - this is it - no changes can be made.

Lay your pattern pieces on the wrong side of the material, DO NOT PIN. Weight it down to keep it in place. Outline and put in all marks with tailor's chalk. Cut. Seam allowances need not exceed 1/4 inch but neckline and arms have to be stay stitched with tape to reinforce all points of possible strain and tearing.

In working with leather or suede - THE FIRST SEWING HAS TO BE THE FINAL SEWING. If stitching has to be removed and done over, the material will be weakened and cut by the needle, and unsightly markings will be produced.


Cutting of furs is very exacting, and delicate, and difficult, but if your dress designs call for fur trimming you will want to know how it's done. Follow the same procedure for marking as you have done with your leather and suede. Place the fur side down and do all your marking on the skin side. With a sharp razor blade cut into the hide - but be careful not to cut into the fur itself. After you have finished this cutting procedure grasp the fur with both hands and firmly pull apart on each side of the cut



Carefully lift pattern from cutting table to chalk board with muslin side up. With your tracing wheel trace over every marking, all sewing lines, and every cross mark. Use short firm strokes and lift wheel at each stroke so that material is not pushed out of place.

Remove from chalk board and check that all markings are clear. Remove muslin pattern, but don't unfold material. Place the opposite side on the chalk board and proceed to mark this side by tracing over the first chalked lines. Again check that all markings are clear and that you haven't forgotten any.

Don't knot the thread. Leave a tail piece and secure your thread with one or two back stitches. End your line of marking stitches in the same manner. Do not knot. Never knot your marking or basting threads. You will run into less trouble this way when pulling them out later.

Begin and end each straight line of stitching in the same manner. Do not turn corners with a continuous thread. Break off your thread each time direction changes and start anew.

Cross marks take the place of notches. In making cross marks use a double thread, no knots, and no back stitches. Start with a tail, taking small running stitches, and end with a tail.


On light materials when chalk marks will not show up very well pin marking is used. For very delicate materials on which pins will leave permanent marks use needles instead.

Cut and mark carefully and you will get pleasing results in your dress designs.

Learn How To Become An Expert At Cutting And Marking Dress Fabric


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Science of Vampires

The vampires have been present in some form or other in most of the societies of the world. A great deal of literature has been written on them to understand and explain and explore the vampires and their world. Many people over the years have attempted to understand the how the vampires are created and the changes that happen to the body when an innocent human victim is bitten by the vampire. The researcher have tried to explain and explore the metamorphosis of the virus and how the transmission occurs and then what changes takes place in the victim's body before the victim is transformed into a vampire.

The vampires are known to be carriers of Human Vampire Virus. This virus can be transmitted from one affected person to another by exchange of body fluids. The primary carriers of this virus are the vampire bats and bat flies. The viruses of this order have a distinct bullet shape and in passed on to the cave dwelling vampire by the bat fleas. This virus I passed on to human and livestock when they are bitten by the virus infected vampires. Incidentally this virus isn't an airborne one hence cannot cause infection just by touch or inhalation.

The different stages the victim undergoes when bitten by the infected vampires. The initial symptoms of vampire virus infection are that of fever with headache and nausea. These are generic symptoms of the body trying to fight the infection and this period lasts for six to twelve hours. The second stage is when the victim slips in to a coma and most of the victim dies during this period specially the old and very young are likely to die for sure. The third stage is when the victim recovers from vampiric coma and turns into a full-fledged vampire.

For more information visit They offer great information such as The Vampire Diaries episode recaps, as well as previews for the next Vampire Diaries episode.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Victorian Jewelry - The Best of Vintage Jewelry

Victorian jewelry is well-known for its academic value and also for the inimitable touch that it offers to antique charm. Even today casual buyers associate the majority of old jewelry pieces to the Victorian era owing to its unique characteristics. In fact it influenced the fashion of the masses, as the predominant design themes found in the Victorian jewelry were borrowed from native origins such as trees, flowers and birds. The early Victorian jewelry included delicate designs, lights and elaborate engravings.

Ultimately, the Victorian jewelry that became notable evolved as heavier and with more conservative designs, especially the two popular designs originated during the Victorian period, were known as Repousse and Cannatille. Repousse was identifiable owing to its solid forms that had fluted and raised edges giving the pieces of jewelry a characteristic of massive quality, while the Cannatille jewelry employed gold wire strands to wound and twist into elaborate designs.

The romantic period initiated with the ascension of Queen Victoria to the throne and her marriage to Prince Albert became an impetus. The techniques of the Victorian jewelry were characterized by using techniques such as piercing, filigree, and so on. Thin plates and gold sheets were used, besides other gemstones included pink topaz, blue zircon, citrine, ruby, amethyst, garnet, sapphire, aquamarine, emerald and peridot. The Victorian jewelry also included popular natural materials such as lava, bog oak, tortoise shell, vulcanite jet and ivory. The late Victorian era got influenced by the Italian, Greece and Egyptian archeological expeditions that brought light to the west in the form of an array of ancient jewelry. Once again designers capitalized the public imagination and some of them such as Giulano and Castellani were noteworthy as they were much sought after.

The common Victorian jewelry motifs had sentimental lockets enclosing a hair lock of the loved one and quite often serpents were seen as the eternity symbol. Other sentimental themes included love birds, clasped hands, love knots, hair jewelry, miniatures and mizpah. Jewels displaying such sentimental motifs had concealed messages for instance, a crescent moon meant honeymoon and made an appropriate gift to a new bride from her husband on their wedding night. Victorian people were captivated with flowers and attached symbolic meaning to each flower such as Lily of the valley denoted sweetness, Pansies represented thought, Yellow Poppy for success and wealth, Violets represented modesty, and so on. The early Victorians enjoyed inner meanings in the jewelry and after the death of Prince Albert, the jewelry became more austere such as heavy, dark stones as they were set in black enamel.

People coming on sports travel also showed interest in Victorian jewelry that depicted sporting themes as men and women pursued the sporting subjects. Slowly, intaglio crystals were reverse painted and exhibited hunting themes such as foxes, pheasant, rabbits, horses and dogs into the forms of jewelry. This collection also included buttons, brooches, stickpins, cuff links, pendants and watch fobs. Even today, the Victorian jewelry has its recognition and rules the hearts of many.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Friday, September 2, 2011

Foreplay Tips

Ever heard of the comfort zone? The bedroom is meant to be one. You come into a man's abode for the first time, he takes you round, showing you which room is which till you get to the last one, the bedroom. Your bedroom must be as inviting as possible to arouse your partner. Women love sensuous feelings at all times in a romance. An untidy and unkempt room is usually a turn off. Most women love to be caressed, fondled, complimented and shown intimacy and affection. All these make the mood swing right. Whether it is a first date or a ten year old marriage, women do not just want to have sex but really make love hence the need to get the foreplay right is as important as having good sex.

Here are some tips to help you get it right:


Set your mood aright. You may have had a heated argument but don't let that becloud your sense of arousal. Relax your mind and let love fill you up gradually. Respond to the touch it may be another way of saying 'I'm sorry'.


Come give me a hug. Warm long hug is proven to pep up a woman's level of hormone that heightens sexual arousal. Hug yourselves and express deep feelings of how wonderful it feels to be in each other's arms. Exchange deep passionate kiss. Pour ice cream all over her body and lick off teasingly with loving kisses.

Boost his ego

Don't hide your feelings, boost his ego by saying 'You know I enjoy it so much, you really turn me on with your tongue'. Avoid negative and cynical comments such as 'Don't you know how best to turn me on? I can't stand your touch'. These are turn offs and not encouraging at all. Be matured about it and guide him to what you expect if he is not getting it right.

Tell him what you want

Communication is key in relationship. Express your mind to achieve the kind of pleasure you have in mind. If you want it slow, say so. If otherwise, blurt it out. Remind him of something good he did to your body that sets you on fire sometimes. Use one word at a time like 'slowly', 'great', 'go left', go right', go down', go up' just any how you want it, let it flow. Get your rhythm.

Shower Trick

Remember the warm warmth sweet scent of bath gel and bubble bath. All these have a way of moving things in the right direction. Call him over to give your back a scrub. The slippery effect if properly applied may work wonder.

Identify your soft spot

Don't get frustrated if he is not getting it right. Identify your soft spot and carry him along. Teach him the new things your body craves for and guide him gently to them.

Find ways to say it's not working

In spite of all, if you are not feeling right about the whole process, find a way to say it's not working for you perhaps you may want to explore another avenue. Do not discourage him out rightly. You can tell him to slot in one of your favourite romantic song or movie. This will help you disconnect from the thought of having sex and set you up in the right mood for love making. Perhaps its that time of your cycle when the mood is not always right, turn the mood aright by retuning your head to receiving the vibes that come with love making. Try to view sex as the antidote to your frenzied life, a time to relax and enjoy.

For more passionate discussions on relationship and marriage, hook up with me on

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Marriage Workshops - Helping Save Your Marriage

When couples tie the knot, they promise each other to stay together for years, have a few children, a dog, a cat, big beautiful house with a white picket fence. The thought of splitting up or going your own separate ways or even DIVORCE... EXCUSE ME!!!, didn't even cross your mind.

The truth about marriage is that, its not always picture perfect or as exhilarating as you'd think. Marriages have problems too, just like the rest of us do. The struggles endured by married couples in life can make or break the relationship, but the problem of splitting up a marriage can be stopped in its tracks and conquered.

Oftentimes, the challenges couples face in life, can teach them a bit about themselves or each other, making them better, stronger and more enlightened individuals. A troubled marriage, entering a divorce is one such challenge, couples may face in their relationship. Despite the couples disastrous unforeseen misfortune, their marriage troubles can be saved by a marriage workshop. DIVORCE - some couples don't even see it coming - until its too late and it SMACKS them, square in the face and by the time, they shake off the shock and their blurred vision clears up - they've lost it all, the children, dog, cat, big house, the white picket fence and to rub salt into the deep wounds, they're behind with the alimony checks.

Marriage troubles usually begin with a little misunderstanding between the couple, then grows into a screaming match. Arguments over nothing important, vicious rows, doors being slammed, plates and glasses hurled across the room or against the walls, furniture smashed and destroyed, clothes thrown out on the street, one partner ignoring the other, annoyed, disgusted and hurt. This could develop into extreme hate, which has the chance to turn into sweet revenge. Ultimately this situation may lead to a costly divorce. Should couples be alert to the issues in their marriage and take action immediately to rectify the problem, a divorce or separation could be avoided.

Joining a marriage workshop is a good decision for couples to make, they can be helped to identify issues in their marriage and conquer them before they worsen. During the marriage workshop, couples are asked to explain their problems individually. A counselor may encourage couples to be straight up and honest with each other, no matter what happens, even if they start jumping up and down in frustration, argue, express anger or extreme hate, each spouse is advised to settle down, remain calm and listen to each others opinions and thoughts without any rude interruptions, shouting or offensive language. Each person is given plenty of time to explain themselves and talk about what they are feeling. Couples sharing their problems, during this part of the workshop, should be honest and from the heart.

Once the couples issues are out in the open, they are encouraged to deal with them, head on. Couples face their fears and share with the group, by speaking out and releasing their problems and pains, only then can the problems be solved. Workshops may take weeks to complete. Marriage workshops are not one day, magic bullet solutions for your marriage troubles. Lets get real here, the workshop will be completed, when the last partner or couple is good and ready to finish, not before. Time, understanding and patience is an essential quality, required by both the troubled couple and the counselor.

Sometimes couples are irresponsible and lazy and may make up some pitiful excuses as to why they can't attend the marriage workshop. Skipping sessions can hinder the couples attempt to rescue their marriage. Other institutions provide free marriage workshops to couples wishing to save their relationship. Couples can contact their local marriage counselors, to get more detail concerning the free workshops in their area. Surfing the internet will display workshops available in all districts. Marriage workshops require both couples to attend all sessions, so be prepared to turn up, keen, open minded and cooperative. By not attending or participating in the workshops, the marriage relationship will be doomed to fail.

Couples will need to learn or practice patience and understanding to overcome, problems affecting the relationship. Marriage workshops successfully save hundreds of families and their marriages from the brink of breaking up, so by you choosing to join a marriage workshop will help and assist you to fully understand marital related problems and ultimately bring the family together as a tight knit unit.

The children in the marriages that successfully complete the workshops, grow up to be responsible and cooperative individuals. The childrens lives return to normal and everybody moves on, however in time, they become beautiful people, who will be involved in the most loving, stable and successful marriage relationships around, all because they had two of the GREATEST PARENTS and best MARRIAGE ROLE-MODELS that have ever lived.

With information like this will not only help you, but also guide you and your partner to Saving Your Marriage in no time flat. Discover the Secret to Saving Your Marriage - get INSTANT access immediately. Information like this will help you discover the secrets you'll love.

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