Saturday, January 21, 2012

Top 4 Ways of Getting Rid of Skin Tags at Home

You can always get a doctor to get rid of your skin tags; however, because it is generally considered a cosmetic problem, many insurance companies won't cover the procedure. This leaves you paying a large bill for what is considered a fairly simple process. Before you head off to the doctors office, why not try these simple home methods for getting rid of skin tags.

The first option you have for getting rid of your skin tags is to simply cut them off. It is important to note when doing this that there is a serious risk of infection if you use this method improperly. You should not only use brand new implements for this procedure, but you should also sterilize them first.

You can clean them either by soaking them in a sanitizer (the kind you clean yourself with, not your house) or putting them in fire for a minute or so. Just be sure to let them cool first if you put them in fire. You can clip off the skin tags with small scissors, but you may find it easier to use nail clippers. Simply snip the tag off at the bottom near the healthy skin. This sounds like it hurts a lot, but is generally not too painful. Be sure to have cotton balls or bandages around though, just in case you do bleed some.

Another method for skin tag removal is freezing them off. Doctors often use this method for getting rid of skin tags and warts, but products have come on the market in recent years for doing this at home. Simply find the product at a grocery store and follow the instructions. Because these kits are small and less effective than what a doctor uses, you should probably only consider this method for small tags.

The last home option available for getting rid of skin tags is to cut off their blood supply. This sounds slightly dangerous, but is probably the safest of the home removal options. In this method, you cut off the blood supply to the skin tag by tying string very tightly around the base of the tag.

Depending on the location of your skin tags, you will probably need help tying the string tight enough. Remember to use strong string and to tie it as tightly as possible. You will need to knot the string and keep in on for a few days. After the tag has been cut off from the blood supply, it will eventually die and simply fall off.

While these remedies may be effective for getting rid of skin tags, there are some instances where you should see a doctor instead. There are rare occasions where a skin tag can be malignant, so if you have one dramatically change size or color, you should see a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if anything goes wrong with the removal or if the entire tag doesn't come off. Again, remember to be safe, sterilize, and get someone to help you if you need it.

To find out the shocking truth about how to feel better and raise self-esteem by watching your moles, warts, and skin tags literally drop to the floor in as little as 3 days Click Here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Deep Tissue Massage - Muscle Tendon & Ligament Relief

Deep Tissue Massage or myofascial release is a massage technique that focuses on releasing restrictions in the deeper layers of the muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Deep tissue massage releases chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas.

Using slow strokes and deep pressure or friction applied across the grain of the muscles not with the grain, deep tissue massage first warms the soft tissue before targeting deeper muscles groups.

Deep Tissue Massage - How Does it Work?

Deep tissue massage is both corrective and therapeutic. It uses two methods, direct or indirect and is effective in releasing deeply-held patterns of tension, removing toxins, relaxing and soothing muscles.

The direct method applies pressure to the muscle with the intention of finding resistance in the body, and maintaining the pressure until the resistance is released.

The indirect method moves in the opposite direction of the resistance.

With both techniques the amount of pressure applied is dependent on the amount of resistance.

Fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and forearms are all used with long, slow strokes.

Because of the focus on a specific area some clients find deep tissue massage uncomfortable and it may
cause some soreness during or after.

Providing the massage is carried out correctly any soreness should disappear in a day or two.

Deep tissue massage does not require great strength, nor does it need to be painful and applying pressure for the sake of it can be ineffectual if done incorrectly.

Of the two methods, direct and indirect, there are many different combinations.

Some of the more well known include:-

o Polarity Therapy

o Thai Massage

o Triggerpoint Therapy

What are the benefits of a Deep Tissue Massage?

Unlike a regular relaxation massage, deep tissue massage works effectively on the skeletal structures that lie deep within the body.

Many people seek a deep tissue massage to help in treating crippling diseases, muscle, tendon and ligament injuries.

When muscles are stressed, they block oxygen and nutrients, leading to inflammation that builds up toxins in the muscle tissue.

Through controlled manual manipulation, deep tissue massage breaks down scar tissue and crystallization, loosens muscles, releases toxins and allows blood and oxygen to circulate properly.

It is important to drink plenty of water afterwards to flush away the toxins released during massage.

The key benefits of deep tissue massage include:

o Elimination of the blocks that cause muscle tightness

o Increases circulation of blood, lymph, cerebro-spinal and interstitial fluids

o Can resolve many chronic pain patterns by releasing deeply held emotions that cause tension

o Helps improve the functioning of the internal organs and any associated symptoms or diseases

o Improves posture and mobility

o Helps to reduce tension and the automatic reflexes to stress

How effective is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage can be very effective, but one has to be realistic about how much can be achieved in one session.

Simply asking for more pressure and thinking that if the therapist pushes hard enough, all tension will be released within an hour is unrealistic.

Chronic knots and tension built up over a lifetime can only be addressed with a series of treatments.

Most therapists will offer advice on a program that includes exercise, work on your posture, relaxation techniques and a regular program of massage.

Is Deep Tissue Massage Safe for Everyone?
As with most massage treatments, deep tissue massage is not recommended for certain people.

Massage should not be done directly over bruised or inflamed skin, open wounds, tumors, areas of recent fracture, abdominal hernia, rashes or skin disease.

It should also be avoided by:

o People with cardiovascular conditions and heart disease especially in cases of thrombosis, phlebitis and oedema

o Pregnant women and people with osteoporosis should consult their doctor before considering a massage

o Immediately after surgery

o Immediately after chemotherapy or radiation, unless recommended by your doctor

Deep Tissue Massage - Choosing a Therapist

When considering a deep tissue massage, ensure you choose a therapist you feel comfortable with and one that comes from a reputable organization.

Salons, spas, health and fitness clubs typically offer deep tissue massage, or you contact a mobile spa and have a deep tissue massage in the comfort of your own home.

For More FREE info

On the benefits of massage, the different types available from experienced masseurs visit

Monday, January 2, 2012

How To Make Homemade Catfish Bait

I'm a catfish lover by nature and here I'll show you how to make catfish baits that will help you reel in the fattest of cats. I'm constantly at the lake with a lot of lines in the water at all times. Whether through the warm months of summer or into the depths of a frigid winter, I can show you how to reel in a cat no matter what the weather forecast with my time-tested homemade catfish baits.

Many new catfishermen think that you have to buy catfish bait from the local bait shop. Yet as time passes, you'll come to realize that most guys lugging in the heavier cats are fishing with baits that they make at home. These homemade catfish bait recipes are what sets the men apart from the boys. Catfish seem to like a variety of different baits throughout the year. What may work one day in reeling in the fat cats may leave you coming home empty-handed the next. An important note is to keep track of local conditions. Introduce yourself to other local fisherman and find out what the catfish are biting on on a daily basis. I, along with many other cat lovers have always caught more catfish, more often than not, when chumming. Chumming is basically pre-baiting an area with small bits of the same type of bait you are fishing with for the day. If you're fishing with tuna, then a tuna chum should be used to draw the catfish into the area of water you plan to fish. Now I know you're ready to get your hands wet, so to speak, so on to the catfish bait recipes.

How To Make Catfish Bait - Homemade Recipes

The simplest of all cat fish bait recipes is the age-old hot dog. Simply cut up the hot dogs into one inch slices and push them up into a treble hook. Now you can stop there, but one of my favorite additions to the old hot dog catfish bait is to get a mason jar several days before going fishing and putting the cut up (one inch slices) hot dogs into the mason jar. Then thoroughly cover the hot dogs with garlic salt. Put on the lid, shake the jar ever so often and keep in the fridge until ready to go fishing. Cats love 'em and I'm sure you will too.

Next on the list of catfish bait recipes is the grand-daddy of all catfish baits, and that is the time-tested chicken liver. People have been catching catfish on chicken livers since the beginning of time. The only problem with using them is that they are slimy and fall off the hook easily when casting out into the rivers and lakes. So here's a simple 20th century fix that will keep those chicken livers on the hook. If you own a dehydrator, you just cut out some wax paper to fit your dehydrator trays and then lay out the chicken livers flat onto the wax paper on the trays. The chicken livers will take about three days total to dry out. You want them to dry to the consistency of beef jerky, pliable yet dried. For an added plus, sprinkle some garlic salt over the chicken livers as they are drying. Another great catfish bait recipe that will have you cleaning catfish for supper.

The last catfish bait recipe I'll be offering here is for meat-eaters. Whenever your wife (or husband) is cooking any meat in the kitchen and there are trimmings to be taken from the meat, save those meat trimmings for catfish bait. I've even yanked in a few catfish in my days with just plain old chicken fat. I swear all catfish love garlic, so be sure to spread the garlic around whenever possible.

I hope these catfish bait recipes work as well for you as they have for me over the years. You'll never know how to catch catfish with homemade baits until you try, so give it a whirl the next time you go catfishing and see how it turns out for you. You may just reel in a record!

The writer of this article is an old-timer chock full of information to share. Visit his How To blog and if you have more time be sure to check out his Do It Yourself site, where you'll learn how to fix everything from the family car to the kitchen sink.

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