Saturday, February 18, 2012

Black Toe Nail Fungus - What Causes Black Toe Nail Fungus and the Treatment

Black toe nail fungus has become is very common, especially for people who tend to walk around barefooted in public places. It is also very common among athletes and people over the age of 65. If you have black spot toenails, there are several reasons for it. This article will explain the reason why you have this problem and how you can treat it.

What Cause Black Toe Nail Fungus

People who play sports can easily bruise their toes while playing in the game, this can cause your nails to turn black. Some choose to wear their shoes with out socks or even while wearing them, if someone steps on their toes they can be easily bruised. Even if you are not a sports player, it is not impossible for you to have a nail fungus problem.

Most people develop nail infections by not wearing shoes, such as sandals, in public places. Wearing your shoes at the pool or in locker rooms can stop you from getting infected. Small cuts under your nails can cause your nails to become infected. If your feet sweat a lot, this can cause it also.

Black Toenail Treatment

Over the counter treatments for nail fungus are not very effective at all for treating your nails for fungus. So, there is really no point for you to waste your money on these products. Doctor recommended medications will fight the fungus, but they can cause serious side effects. They are known to cause kidneys and liver damage. Neither of these two treatments are recommended.

The best way for you to treat black spot on toenail is to use a natural treatment for toe fungus. People for some reason or another wants to soak their feet for hours at a time in Listerine or some other home remedies for toe nail fungus which may or may not work. There is a chance it might work, but is it cure for toe nail fungus. No! Because it is possible for the fungus to reoccur.

Black toe nail fungus should be taken seriously. If your nails are flaking, ugly, and they smell bad, you need to get something that is safe and is known to work. You need a product that will start to work fast in as little as 2 to 4 weeks. You may want to check with your doctor if it has gotten real bad. Finding such a product is not hard to do if you know where to look.

You do not have to do any research at all because, I have done it all for you. No doctor visit needed and no side effects. ZetaClear Toe Nail Fungus Treatment is all you will ever need. Get Rid Of Your Toe Nail Fungus at

Friday, February 10, 2012

Flower Tattoos

For some strange reasons, I like designing flower tattoos more than others. Flower tattoos are mostly favored by women, they are like clothes accessories except that you can wear your tattoo to bed. It's like having a piece of art with you all the time. I find women with tattoos more appealing, sexier, more feminine and more powerful.

The image of a tattoo can be so captivating that it stirs up all our senses. You can have a Rose tattoo with a barbed wire around it and still look very good. It's Ying and Yang, loving and sweet but authoritative and intimidating. But if you are intending to ink a flower tattoo on your body, it's best to find out the meaning of the flower and what you want it to represent. You can then combine different images to give contrasting impressions of your tattoos.

I have compiled a list of meaning of flowers as a guide before you tattoo them on your body. I cannot vouch how official these meanings are, but my research has shown them to be fairly consistent. flower tattoos are permanent, so look around before deciding on one.

BABY'S BREATH: Innocence.

BALSAM: Ardent love.


BOUVARDIA: Enthusiasm.

CACTUS: Endurance.

CALLA LILY: Magnificent beauty.

CAMELLIA: Gratitude.

CAMELLIA, PINK: Longing for you.

CAMELLIA, RED: You're a flame in my heart.

CAMELLIA, WHITE: You're adorable.

CARNATION: Fascination, distinction, divine love, woman

CARNATION, PINK: A woman's love, I'll never forget you, mother's love.

CARNATION, RED: Alas for my poor heart, admiration, my heart aches for you, fascination.

CARNATION, WHITE: Innocence, faithfulness, sweet and lovely, pure love, ardent love, good luck.

CHRYSANTHEMUM: Cheerfulness, optimism, rest, truth.


CHRYSANTHEMUM, WHITE: Truth, loyal love.


DAFFODIL: Regard, rebirth, new beginnings, unrequited love, you're the only one, chivalry.

DAFFODIL, SEVERAL: Joy, happiness.

DAISY: Innocence, loyal love, I'll never tell, purity.

DANDELION: Faithfulness, happiness, love's oracle.

DAY LILY: Coquetry, Chinese emblem for mother.

EREMURUS: Endurance.

EUPHORBIA: Persistence.

FORGET-ME-NOT: True love, hope, remembrance, memories.

FREESIA: Innocence, thoughtfulness.

GARDENIA: You're lovely, secret love, joy, sweet love, good luck.

GLADIOLUS: Strength of character, remembrance, infatuation, splendid beauty, give me a break.

GLOXINA: Love at first sight.

HEATHER, LAVENDER: Admiration, solitude, beauty.

HEATHER, WHITE: Protection, wishes will come true.

HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

HOLLY: Foresight, defense, domestic happiness, enchantment.

HOLLYHOCK: Ambition, fruitfulness.

HONEYSUCKLE: Bonds of love.

HUCKLEBERRY: Simple pleasure.

HYACINTH: Sport, play, games, rashness, dedicated to Apollo.

HYACINTH, BLUE: Constancy.


IRIS: Wisdom, Fleur-de-lis, emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, valor, my compliments.

IRIS, WHITE: Purity.

JASMINE, WHITE or INDIAN: Amiability, I attach myself to you, sensuality, attachment.


JASMINE, YELLOW: Grace, elegance.

JONQUIL: Sympathy, love me, affection returned, desire.

LADY SLIPPER: Capricious beauty.


LAVENDER: Devotion.


LILAC: Youthful, humility, confidence.

LILY: Majesty, wealth, pride, innocence, purity.

LILY, WHITE: Purity, modesty, virginity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you. LILY,

MAGNOLIA: Dignity, love of nature, nobility.

MIMOSA: Sensitivity.

MINT: Virtue.

MISTLETOE: Kiss me, affection, to surmount difficulties, sacred plant of India.


MOSS: Maternal love, charity.

NARCISSUS: Egotism, conceit, self love, self admiration, formality, stay as sweet as you are

NASTURTIUM: Conquest, victory in battle.

OAK LEAVES: Bravery.


ORANGE BLOSSUM: Purity, innocence, eternal love, marriage and fruitfulness, fertility.

ORCHID: Rare beauty, love, refinement, beautiful lady, Chinese symbol for many children, mature charm, beauty, long life.

PALM LEAVES: Victory, success.

PEPPERMINT: Cordiality.

PERIWINKLE: Friendship.

POPPY: Eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination.

POPPY, RED: Pleasure, consolation.

POPPY, YELLOW: Wealth, success.

PRIMROSE: I can't live without you.



RANUNCULUS: You are radiant with charm, radiant charm.

ROSE: Love, passion, perfection. The rose was named for the Latin word rosa which means red. It has been a symbol of love since ancient times.

ROSE, BURGUNDY: Beauty within.

ROSE, CORAL: Desire.


ROSE, HIBISCUS: Delicate beauty.

ROSE, LAVENDER: Love at first sight, enchantment.

ROSE, LEAF: You may hope.

ROSE, MOSS: Confessions of love.

ROSE, ORANGE: Fascination, display feeling of enthusiasm.

ROSE, PEACH: Desire, gratitude, apprecation, admiration, sympathy, modesty.

ROSE, PINK: Happiness, appreciation, admiration, friendship, sympathy.

ROSE, DARK PINK: Thankfulness.

ROSE, LIGHT PINK: Grace, gladness, joy, perfect happiness, please believe me, gratitude, admiration, gentility.

ROSE, RED: Love, passion, respect, courage, I love you, beauty, pure and lovely, prosperity.

ROSE, DEEP RED: Un-selfconscious beauty.

ROSE, SINGLE, FULL BLOOM: I love you, I still love you, new love.

ROSE, BUD, SMALL: Pure and lovely, beauty and youth, a heart innocent of love.

ROSE, THORNLESS: Love at first sight.

ROSE, WHITE: Innocence, purity, secrecy, I am worthy of you, silence, friendship, truth, virtue, girlhood, humility spiritual love, but of the soul, reverence, charm, happy love.

ROSE, WHITE, DRIED: Death is preferable to loss of virtue.

ROSE, YELLOW: Joy, friendship, true love, decrease of love, jealousy, try to care, freedom, slighted love, shows "I care", joy, gladness.


ROSES, RED & WHITE TOGETHER: Unity, flower emblem of England.

ROSES, YELLOW & RED TOGETHER: Happiness, congratulations.

ROSES, YELLOW & ORANGE TOGETHER: Passionate thoughts.

ROSEMARY: Remembrance, purity, rebirth.

SAGE: Virtue.

SALAL: Zest.

SCABIOUS: Unfortunate love.

SMILAX: Loveliness.

SNAPDRAGON: Deception, gracious lady, presumption.

SPEARMINT: Warm sentiment.

SPIDER FLOWER: Elope with me.


STATICE: Sympathy, remembrance, success.

STEPHANOTIS: Happiness in marriage, desire to travel.

STOCK: Lasting beauty, bonds of affection, promptness, you'll always be beautiful to me.

SUNFLOWER: Follows the sun as it grows, adoration, haughtiness.

SWEET WILLIAM: Gallantry, smile, finesse.

THYME: Activity.

TUBEROSE: Dangerous pleasure.

TULIP: Perfect lover, frame, flower emblem of Holland.

TULIP, RED: Believe me, declaration of love, fame.

TULIP, VARIEGATED: Beautiful eyes.

TULIP, YELLOW: Hopeless love, there's sunshine in your smile.

VIOLET: Modesty, faithfulness, innocence, understated beauty.

VIOLET, BLUE: Watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true.

VIOLET, PURPLE: Thoughts of you, blue love.

VIOLET, WHITE: Let's take a chance, youthful innocence.

VIOLET, YELLOW: Love of country.

WATER LILY: Purity of heart.


WHEAT: Friendliness.

YARROW: Healing, sorrow.

ZINNIA: Thoughts of absent friends, in memory of an absent friend.


ZINNIA, WHITE: Goodness.

ZINNIA, YELLOW: Daily remembrance.

You can download all my free flower tattoos designs at Cheap tattoo kits

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pain Relief - What Causes Pain in the Sternum Or Side? Costochondritis - A Nurse's Guide

"What causes pain in the sternum or side?" is a question I'm often asked. And the first thing that always comes to mind is an injury to the rib cartilage called costochondritis. The first time people hear it they say, "What is that?" It's not a commonly heard term but hundreds of cases come into the emergency room every year. People often think they're having a heart attack. Costochondritis can also occur in the side where the ribs and cartilage connect to the rib cage.

When the sternum is involved costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage connecting to your breastbone. It's a common cause of chest pain. Mild to severe pain, tenderness and soreness near the breastbone (usually the upper left side) are symptoms, and the pain gets worse if you stretch or apply pressure to the area.

This pain can range from minor to severe. The pain doesn't go away easily and it's easy to reinjure the area. It doesn't usually hurt to continue moving around but can be painful to do so. People often seek immediate pain relief.

Your doctor will usually diagnose costochondritis by pressing on the area where the ribs meet the chest bone (sternum). If this area is tender and sore, costochondritis is the most likely cause of your sternum pain or chest pain. You want to make sure that costochondritis is the correct diagnosis and that it isn't heart-related. If you press on the areas yourself, do so very gently so you don't reinjure the area. If you don't have any other pain that radiates out to the neck or arms nor any numbness, chills or a fever than you are not likely to have a heart problem.

Do everything you can not to reinjure the area. Costochondritis often happens when people move furniture or other large items or in contact sports. Leaning over and picking up items out of reach can also cause it although that may happen with costochondritis in the sides more so.

Sometimes a rib belt can help. Make sure to stop doing whatever makes the pain worse.
Slowly return to regular activities.

Make sure to protect yourself so further inflammation doesn't take place. Sometimes costochondritis can become chronic if the area is injured over and over again. But generally it will get better in a few days. These are just a few of the things you can do to help heal faster and get pain relief.

For a nurse's little-known pain relief secrets and methods, some your doctor doesn't know, for how you can stop, diminish or control your pain and get pain relief for all types of acute or chronic pain go to for treatments, therapies, techniques and natural pain relief

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