Saturday, July 16, 2011

Homemade Dog Toys From Socks

Learn how to make homemade dog toys such as a Sock Swing Ball and a Sock Ball from old or holey socks in under five minutes.


  • Take 4 or 5 discarded socks. At least one of them should be knee length.

  • Use this knee length sock for the base. If it has big holes in the foot part, push another sock inside it so that the holes are covered

  • Roll up and stuff the remaining socks inside

  • Tie a knot in the base sock(s) just above the stuffed area

That's all there is to it! Go play fetch or tug-of-war with your dog! (Just watch carefully to make sure your buddy doesn't swallow any pieces of sock. These can cause choking or digestive problems.)


  • Use a minimum of 4 socks

  • Use your longest sock with the smallest holes for the base

  • Roll and stuff the other socks inside

  • Tie a firm knot in the base sock above the stuffed area

  • Double the end of the base sock back over the entire ball

  • Tie a knot above the stuffed area again

  • Repeat until you cannot tie a knot any more

  • Cut the end off the sock just above the last knot

Sock balls are best used for playing fetch or soccer, indoors or out. Again, please supervise your dog at all times to make sure he or she does not choke on or swallow any sock pieces.

Notes: Sock balls can be washed and dried along with other dog items.

For a bigger ball, use thick stockings or several layers of old pantyhose for the base sock.

Jo Soliday has been a dog lover and crafter since childhood. For more ideas for making things for dogs, check out her website at


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