Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cleaning the Maltese Dog

Maltese dogs are beautiful, lovable and kindly natured dogs usually covered in thick white hair. They are tiny and weigh around 6 pounds, with their coats hanging silky, long and flat over the sides skimming the ground.

To keep their coat healthy, daily grooming is a must using an open-spaced pin brush without 'balls' on the pins. Lift the top layer of hair, spray a light coat of water or leave in conditioner and brush the bottom half of the coat free. Do this until the layer is no longer tangled to the skin then work up to the top layer.

Prevent matting by brushing the underbelly, though you can work them out with your fingers first since brushing causes hair loss. Spraying with coat conditioning oil also loosens the hair. Also remember to remove the mat gently or you may have to cut it out. Always comb the dog thoroughly to remove dead hair and knots.

Clean the dog's ears then insert a small cotton ball to prevent water from entering the ear canal and causing an infection. Soak the dog's skin then apply quality shampoo along the back, legs and under the tail. Lather your dog from the back to front, rinse the coat then shampoo again.

After the second rinsing, wash your Maltese's face carefully with a washcloth then rise to ensure all traces of soap are gone since soap residue irritates the dog's skin. Use 'coat handler' conditioner since it acts as a fragrance, de-tangler and leave in conditioner; all in one.

Apply the conditioner through the dog's hair then squeeze excess water from the coat, focusing on the ears, tail and legs then dry with towels. Blow-dry the dog then comb out the hair to make it smooth. Doing this regularly will keep the dog's coat healthy.

Read more about tea cup pomeranian and dog bath tub.


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