Sunday, July 4, 2010

Dog Grooming Basics - Poodles Made Perfect

Many people choose a Poodle for a pet because it is small and dainty. People who live in apartment buildings really cannot keep a big Labrador so they choose the Poodle. While this breed is very small and can easily be maintained people find it hard to do so simply because of the lack of time.

Specializing in poodle grooming will be good for your dog grooming business because there are so many of them around. Further every second dog through your doors will be a poodle!

Poodles are famous for their grooming and if you can master the art of cutting and styling a poodle's fur you are well on your way to success. These dogs are highly sophisticated little animals, very elegant and aristocratic in their bearing and you will really need to know what you are doing to do justice to their grooming.

Some of the tools you will need to groom a poodle include a brush for the fur, preferably a wire pin brush and a matt brush to remove the knots and tangles in the fur. Because of the density of their fur poodles are quite often susceptible to itch and fleas. To prevent against this, you will need to have a special anti itch and flea shampoo. You will also need clips to trim the nails, and a dryer. Finally you will need professional scissors designed to cut poodle fur.

A word of warning, poodles can get easily agitated and nervous, when they do they are quite apt to nip the hand closest to them. Always check with the owner about the dog's behavior before you stick your hand near its mouth. You should have muzzles of varying sizes to hand as part of your grooming equipment and it is no hardship to muzzle the dog.

Brushing a dog's coat to remove tangles and get rid of knots is the first step in the grooming process. Use the matt brush for the knots and be gentle as it can hurt quite a lot. Brushing needs to be done in smooth gentle strokes until the coat starts to shine.

Step two of the poodle grooming process is to clean the ears; dogs with plenty of fur covering their ears are prone to itch and infection. You can clean the ears very gently using medicated disinfectant ear wash. You can follow up with the bath and then trim the nails.

Clipping a Poodle's fur requires patience and a special skill that should be learned in advance. You can use these tips to help you in your Poodle grooming efforts.

Find out How To Start a Dog Grooming Business FREE Step By Step Guide


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