Thursday, June 2, 2011

Get Your Dog To Fetch The Lead - How This Can Be Done The Positive Way

You can teach your dog many tricks with positive reinforced learning. By actively rewarding your dog when he has done something good will motivate him to do it again next time and even more willingly. Teaching your dog to fetch his lead is fun once he has learned the basics of picking up other items such as toys and the newspaper. It will give your pooch something fun to do while you get ready to go for your walk.

By rewarding your dog each time you go for a walk is a sure fire way to get him to respond to fetch his lead. After some time he may even learn to anticipate your request. So how do you get your dog to bring you his lead?

  1. Fastened and folded. Make sure that your dog lead is easy for your dog to pick up; it's no good having it dangly in the wind by the window, not at first anyway. Carry it to his mouth by tying it into a knot. Then over several sessions throw it for him to 'fetch' until he retrieves it successfully.

  2. Encouragement. Once your dog can successfully carry the lead, place it on the ground nears is resting place and ask him to 'fetch'. Once he has done that, reward him well when he brings it to you. Repeat the exercise as often as you need to in the same spot until it is second nature for your dog.

  3. Lead position.Make sure that you loop the lead. With clip end loose on the ground and over the peg or hook that the lead usually hangs. This will prevent the clip landing on your dog's head once he pulls it down. Then ask him to 'fetch'.

  4. Praise. When your dog brings the lead to you, make sure that you give him lots of exuberant praise and reward him with one of his favourite treats. Then take him for his walk.

Make sure that the dog lead is hanging onto something secure, so that it will not fall on him when he pulls at it. This could frighten him and put him of this whole endeavour. You may find that your dog will start fetching the lead when you have not asked for it, if so take the lead firmly from him without praising him and place back to its usual position. Repeat this as often as you need to till your dog gets the message. Your dog needs to learn that you are in control of the lead and when he goes for his walk. If you give in and start laughing which can be tempting you are only re-enforcing bad habits.

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