Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dog Tear Stain - What Causes Tear Stain and How I Easily Remove it From My Maltese Dogs

Dog Tear Stain is a very frustrating problem with which scores of Maltese dog owners find themselves struggling.

In a recent survey of over 600 Maltese owners well over 90% of them stated that their Maltese had some form of eye stain, eye discharge or tear stain problem.

While there are many sources that state quite a few theories of how Maltese eye stain occurs, the bottom line for most Maltese owners is wanting a simple cure for it.

One of the main causes of Maltese eye stain that is most commonly discussed is excess tearing.

If your Maltese has irritated eyes it can cause them to tear a lot. As the tears drain from the eyes the hair around the eyes gets wet and stained. Excess wetness around the eyes can be a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.

Some of the causes of excess tearing are:

-a genetic predisposition to tearing
-allergies (these could be from the environment or from food allergies or even allergies to smoke or other irritants)
- ear infections
- teething or cutting teeth (common for Maltese puppies from 5 - 8 months old as their adult teeth are appearing)

If you can find the source of your Maltese tearing you can often keep the majority of the tear staining from even starting.

However due to the Maltese predisposition to tear staining genetically, in many cases it is very difficult to either find the source of the tear staining or to prevent it.

One way that all Maltese owners can help decrease the tear stain on their Maltese is to pay attention to the hair around the face and prevent hair from falling into the eyes. A simple top knot on your Maltese can go a long way in reducing the irritation to the eyes that causes more tear staining.

Your Maltese does not have to live with ugly eye stain and discharge. Your Maltese can have a beautiful clean face and coat again.

How do I know? I have 5 maltese and several of them suffered from severe tear stain. I found a simple solution (after trying dozens that did not work!) and now my Maltese are tear stain free!

Get all the details about the tear stain remover I use at http://MalteseEyeStains.com

Easy Tear Stain Remover


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