Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Marry or Not To Marry?

Marriage is not for the meek of heart. I searched the definition of marriage on Wikipedia, and this is what it states: Marriage is a social union or legal contract between individuals that creates kinship. It is an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged in a variety of ways, depending on the culture or subculture in which it's found."

To me it's a commitment to one person, a binding contract, agreement between two people. A marriage is a bond - a connection. I believe today's society takes it too lightly. You date a year, or two, and then the pressures of society get to us. Our friends are all getting married, and the self induced pressure of holy matrimony deem us the victims. I often notice that a couple does so well when they are dating, and once they tie the knot - things start to change.

We have expectations for what it should be like. Notice the word EXPECTATIONS! When we put expectations on a person, we also must be ready for disappointment. I feel the best way to live is without any expectations. Just like giving, when you give - give without expectation. You give freely! That is what a great marriage is all about - we give freely of ourselves, without any expectations or wanting something in return. We expect our significant other to act a certain way, behave a certain way, give you flowers and presents that you have picked out in your mind, and when he doesn't - we hold it against him, and we get into an argument over what he failed to do for you.

I remember reading the book, Mastery of Love, by Don Miguel Ruiz. When we fall in love with a dog and we take it home, and then once its home, we want the dog to behave like a cat. This is exactly what we do with our relationships. We fall in love with this person and the infatuation stage is magical. When that state is over, we expect the person to like what we like, and behave a certain way. We buy a dog, expect a dog; it's as simple as that.

In this book, Mastery of Love he states, "Relationship is an art. The dream that two create is more difficult to master than one. To keep the two of you happy, you have to keep your half perfect. You are responsible for your half, and your half has a certain amount of garbage."

True love is selfless; once we decide to be a couple, you are there to serve the one you love without expecting anything back. It's all about service to each other; you can do this when the love you have for yourself is very strong. We must first love ourselves before we begin to love another. Before you take the big step towards holy matrimony, make sure you understand that marriage is a commitment not to be taken lightly. Live and be true to yourself first and you must love oneself first. Honor one another, and may you live in eternal bliss!

Remember, may the possibilities of today excite us all!

I am a woman with a passion and a vision of inspiring and empowering others to be better people for themselves and in turn for the world! I encourage others to grow in their daily lives; to be open to change. I am here to hear your thoughts and voice. I have compassion for the human race and want to encourage through words of wisdom.

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