Thursday, August 25, 2011

Puppy Dog - But I Want A Puppy - Now What? Part One Of A Series

Many people think about getting or giving dogs or puppies as gifts. I would highly suggest that before you get or give a dog or puppy as a gift to someone, make sure you or they want one in the first place.

In many cases basic dog ownership responsibilities are not discussed. Additionally, many are surprised by the extent of the responsibilities associated with dog ownership. One needs to understand what to expect as a dog owner before acquiring one. There are restrictions and tasks involved with dog or puppy ownership.

If you are thinking of getting a dog or puppy or of giving one as a gift, make sure you or they at least have some initial education on ownership responsibilities. If you have not owned a dog or puppy before, I can guarantee you will be surprised by the extent of what is required in having a one.

You can be amazed at the problems and frustrations that one can have, that has not been formally introduced to pet ownership responsibilities prior to taking in a pet, especially a puppy. Don't forget if you had a pet as a child, Mom and Dad are not around to take care of your pet's needs and training. You Are! This is why our dog shelters are spilling over with unwanted, untrained dogs!

Do your research first and then you can determine if pet ownership is right for you or the person you would like to give a pet to, at this particular time. Dogs are living creatures, not fashion accessories; owning one entails about as much commitment and responsibility as raising a child.

What type of dog would be good for you or the person you would like to surprise with this little bundle of fur?

  • Should the pup grow up to be big, medium, or small in size?

  • Long hair, medium length, or short haired?

  • Would regular grooming to keep the hair knot free, and clean become a burden to you or them?

  • What if there is a need for regular haircuts is this practical, affordable?

  • Or would a dog that is not in need of much grooming and especially haircuts be a wiser choice?

What about allergies? Have you given this any thought? There is nothing worse then to give or get a puppy that you fall in love with, only to have to give it up a few months down the road because of allergies. Check this out before hand.

Did you know that there are breeds that are better suited for families with allergies? Did you know that most dogs shed, usually twice a year, especially if on a quality pet food, and no it is not most of the commercial dog foods in your local grocery store, pet shops, or feed stores. Some dogs are what we call coat retainers and need more grooming.

How about sex, male verses female. Did you know that there are more recorded bites from females? And let us not forget about neutering and spaying. What about puppy shots and vetting? What about quality food, and other items that one will need to care for and protect this new family member. Will that be a financial strain or a welcomed expense?

There is a lot to consider before getting or giving that lovely ball of fur even more then mentioned here like breeds and their characteristics, snappiness, stability, reliability, trainability, activity level indoors and out, and so on. But without a doubt puppies and dogs can greatly enrich and enhance your life if you know what to expect, and what is expected of you.

Next we will talk about different breeds and their characteristics, activity levels, dominance to name a few.

To discover more about the secrets and communicating with your dog and learning how to be his leader, sign up right now for Tracy Lenderink's FREE Ebook (a $27 dollar value). To find out how to do exactly that go to: Read about the exciting FREE Teleseminar/Webinars with top Dog Experts on subjects like: Nutrition, Obedience, Control, Aggression, Pet Massage, Animal Signing, Holistic Vetting and more.

Tracy Lenderink, has had a love and passion with special communication with dogs all her life. Tracy has spent over 40 years as an Animal Behaviorist, Trainer, and Seminar Speaker assisting pet owners with their problem and issues. It has been said of Tracy that she is a "Master in Creating a Bridge of Knowledge Between the Animal and Human Spirit."


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