Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Top 5 Tips For Hair Growth

If you're looking to grow your locks faster, longer or thicker, here are some of the top tips for hair growth that will get your style growing.  It's not that hard - it just requires some consistent techniques and a few products that can stimulate the growth you want or need.

  1. Keep It Clean - Though seemingly obvious, keeping your scalp and hair clean is your first best step.  Oil and dirt can clog follicle pores reducing nutrition delivery to the root and shaft.  Likewise, product residue can damage and restrict blood flow - stripping hydration and vitamins.

  2. Watch The Products You Use - Though many of us are attracted to the low price (especially in this economy) and the squeaky clean feeling many shampoos give us, many store-bought brands use harsh surfactants that can strip your scalp and hair of natural oils and nutrition.  This isn't good.  Look for salon-grade products that are formulated to improve overall scalp and follicle health.  They generally may cost more, but they are often formulated with active ingredients that work.  Some of the best ingredients to look for are Sodium Laureth Sulfate, botanical extracts, Trichogen, and Panthenol.  You get soothing relief for the scalp and improved growth - and the use of these ingredients are more expensive because they work to stimulate growing phases in the follicle strands.

  3. Be Gentle Styling - Heat damage, excessive combing or brushing, and chemical treatments - perms and coloring, can take a great toll on your style.  In fact, over-styling is a primary cause of damage, especially as we begin to age (over the 40 year old mark).  Chemical treatments break-down protein bonds and wreak havoc on amino acids - both vital to healthy and normal growth.  Heat damage from curling irons, flat irons and curlers "steam" away moisture and hydration leaving follicle strands depleted, dry, dull and susceptible to bacteria and fungus.

  4. Supplement Your Diet - Many of us know the importance of vitamins for better health.  Hair vitamins are specially formulated to provide minerals, amino acids and nutrients that may be lacking in our diets, yet are critical to better growing locks.  Vitamin B-12, Niacin, Biotin, Vitamins A and E are all well known for accelerating growth while providing improved shine, body and thickness.  Omega 3's have become increasingly popular for toning and adding elasticity to our skin (as well as improving organ function).  Well the same is true for our hair.  Omega 3's increase elasticity, Keratin production, and add strength - reducing breaking, split-ends, and snapping.

  5. Hair Growth Products - If you have dealt with hair loss, thinning or pre-mature balding, then you have probably tried - and been frustrated with - the claims made to "restore your hair".  While many may indeed be a bit on the "shady" side, there are products that have been shown to work.  Shampoos and conditioners with Trichogen have been shown effective at stopping or retarding many types of loss and thinning.  Similar to Minoxidil, Trichogen is used in several forms of products - follicle stimulators (sprays), shampoo, topical applications, and in some conditioners.  It helps neutralize DHT and works similarly to Zinc PCA to control excessive oil, while cleaning dirt and product residue.

So there you have for hair growth.  Used in conjunction as part of an overall hair care regimen, they can help get your style growing faster, longer and healthier.

Shop online at HairEnergizer for effective, proven hair growth products.

HairEnergizer is a leading manufacturer and distributor of shampoos and conditioners for hair loss, and and natural products to rejuvenate, stimulate and restore follicle development - including advanced, broad-spectrum hair vitamins.


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