Saturday, June 19, 2010

FURminator - Helping You Eliminate the Shedding Mess Before it Starts

If your dog has a thick coat and tends to shed a lot, then chances are you've had to deal with trying to comb that coat in order to get rid of some of the dead hair before it ended up on your floor, carpet, or just about any other surface in your home. You've probably struggled with different types of brushes and combs only to find that you spend more time pulling hair by hand because the brush or comb simply does not do the trick. The truth is, there is one solution that you may not yet have discovered that could save you a ton of time.

Most of us have busy lifestyles and cannot afford to spend hours on end trying to brush our dog's coat in order to get rid of all of the knots and excess undercoat that is being shed. Yet, we want to be able to take care of it in a short period of time so that we can go about the rest of our day. Brushing a dog's goat can create mess, which is usually what takes the most time out of the entire process.

One way to maintain your dog's coat without a lot of effort is with a great product known as the FURminator. This brush works with you, not against you, in your efforts of maintaining your dogs coat and removing the dead hair that would normally end up on your floor or other surfaces throughout your house. This is made possible because the FURminator removes hair from the undercoat, and not the healthy overcoat. It's the hair in the undercoat that typically ends up causing the biggest mess in your home. The FURminator is available in a number of different sizes which you'll select based on the size of the dog that you'll be using it on. If you've been struggling with cleaning up after your shedding dog and would like to take care of the problem before it starts, then the FURminator is the perfect solution for you.

Purchase dog supplies at


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