Monday, June 14, 2010

Latest Jennifer Lopez Dresses

Have you ever noticed the impact celebrities have on modern-day society? Was it like this 50 years ago? I really don't think

It was. From the way my parents and grandparents talk, they could have cared less what celebrities were doing. The only thing

Anyone cared about back in the day was viewing the films for entertainment purposes. Now days we have psychotic individuals

Stalking Britney Spears, and guys having plastic surgery done to look like Brat Pitt. This is utterly pathetic. Oh, and watch out if some popular celebrity comes out with a fashion line or fragrance. Everyone and their dog have to get in on this. However, I don't understand the appeal. What do girls see in Paris Hilton handbags or Jennifer Lopez dresses? Are they really that wonderful or are folks just following the leader?

Take a gander at the fashion industry these days. You will see tons of clothing lines with the names of actresses and models on them. Now why do you think this is? Hey, I'll tell you why. These celebrities know that they can earn some serious capital off of them. It's just another way to make cash. They're totally aware that all you celebrity worshipers out there will dart to the nearest department store and buy it up. That's what folks do now days. Oh, there's a new Britney Spears perfume? Pleas let me get some so that I can smell like Britney does! Give me a break! We've got to stop buying into the hype of Jennifer Lopez dresses and shoes designed by actresses. It's time to get your own life. I am profoundly happy that my teenage daughter does not buy into all the celebrity attire and fragrance lines. She wouldn't be caught dead in any Jennifer Lopez dresses [http://www.TIPTOPHEALTHGUIDE.COM]. Just the other day she was telling me that Jennifer Lopez spends thousands of dollars just to have her eyebrows waxed. Now there's a stellar individual with priorities. How can one even spend so much money on a simple grooming procedure while millions of people are suffering around the globe? Not too classy!

So, if you are one of the followers who must purchase Jennifer Lopez dresses and pop star perfume, then go right ahead. Maybe

These people truly are your idols in life. However, I do encourage you to take a minute and ponder the ways they make the

World a better place. Oh and, not just for themselves.

YourFashionJournal.Com [] provides readers with the latest reviews, articles,commentaries and write-ups on all Jennifer Lopez dresses, actresses and models, shoes designed related subjects [].


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